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Paypal Pro & catalog v7

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    Paypal Pro & catalog v7

    Hello all,

    Ive been looking into using payal pro to take CC on my website with V7, but i cant find any information on this.

    i can see it works with actinic express, but does it work with catalog and can you point me in the right direction ?

    Sorry if this has been brought up before, but ive been looking for a while and cant find anything
    Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

    Hi there - I'm afraid PayPal Pro is only available in v8. There have been some serious teething problems with it (which you can read over in the v8 forums) but they seem to be sorted out now.


      noway of intergrating it with v7 at all ???

      Or even modify v7 ?
      Reverse Osmosis Water Filters


        NO - none at all


          Originally posted by mythandmagic
          noway of intergrating it with v7 at all ???

          Or even modify v7 ?
          I am at a loss how you can make a case for adding Paypal Pro yet you cannot find a reason to upgrade to v8. After 3 minutes of research on the forum, you will find how arse upwards that decision is.


            but ive been looking for a while and cant find anything
            As Lee says the subject of paypal pro has been done to death on the forum for the last year or so - are you sure you have been looking on the right forum


              All i can find is issues with paypal pro and v8.

              And i cannot afford v8 at the moment, so i was seeing if there was a mod for v7.
              Reverse Osmosis Water Filters


                Originally posted by mythandmagic
                All i can find is issues with paypal pro and v8.
                There was a lot and for quite some time. On a personal note, i am still not sure it is solved as something seems to crop up every now and then. I view it much like PROTX now to be honest, too much proverbial was thrown and enough has stuck to make me think twice about contemplating these solutions. Paypal Pro, Realex and PROTX aren't what i personally class as integrated solutions.

                I take it there is no cost to set PPP up, which is making it attractive to a non-existent budget, but you are stuffed anyway with v7. I'd save every spare penny you can until you can afford v8. V8 pays for itself in a very short amount of time, i'd go as far to say that you should buy it via a loan or a credit card if you can't afford it, but i am biased and talking from a point of view where sites need to earn a living, not just pocket money etc.

                Whatever you do, don't plump for v8 in 3-4 months time as v9 will be just round the corner then, we expect - cough, cough.


                  The thing that strikes interest in paypal pro is;

                  They can choose either CC or paypal.

                  You can process CC on your own site, but paypal is processing it in the background for you. (also it is your company name on the customers statement) so it seems as though its your own payment process.

                  You can also process instantly CC details that customers phone in within paypal and they prosess it for you there

                  This costs £20.00 per month plus about 3% of all orders, but you can do a hell of a lot more than what ive said already.

                  If not this, what is a better solution that dont cost the earth ?
                  Reverse Osmosis Water Filters


                    Originally posted by mythandmagic
                    They can choose either CC or paypal.
                    The thing is Kez, what you see as a bonus i might see as a negative, but it's all down to opinions. I class myself as pretty internet savvy and have obviously seen a lot of sites, when i first saw the 2 options, i was totally confused and thought what a complete confusing mess.

                    Originally posted by mythandmagic
                    You can process CC on your own site, but paypal is processing it in the background for you. (also it is your company name on the customers statement) so it seems as though its your own payment process.
                    Once again, i'd differ on this point. Do i want to see your site using what looks like it's own payment process or would i prefer to see HSBC on your site instead. No contest for me, but that's just my opinion. HSBC is the best provider to go with Actinic IMO at the moment, followed second by Worldpay (although they may be in for the chop soon too).

                    Originally posted by mythandmagic
                    If not this, what is a better solution that dont cost the earth ?
                    It's impossible to answer this and i'd strongly advise that you take a more rounded opinion than mine. When looking at solutions, look at what's best first, not what's the cheapest, otherwise you can work to a false economy. If HSBC is twice as much as PPP, but inspires 3 times more sales, what should you plump for?

                    Streamline and Worldpay are probably your best options IMO, but that is just my opinion. I am yet to set up a Barclays, but i also hear that is good too.

                    PS - i also believe that you are recommended to have SSL for PPP, so don't forget to factor in the costs for that also.


                      In my mind the only plus for PPP is the VT.

                      You can already accept orders with CC or PP with standard PP and I also don't think it is a benefit to be seen to be processing CC details on your own site as people may not want to trust you with their CC details.


                        PPP is a complete waste of time - the only differnce between it and PP is the virtual terminal. Added to that the fact that it confuses people at checkout and the extra cost of SSL then its useless.

                        As Lee says HSBC is the best integrated, most secure, most trusted and best value.


                          and at the risk of sounding like a broken record you have to consider PCIDSS.

                          taking PPP on your own site using SSL is probably going to cause issues as the processing happens on your webserver and not a 3rd party PCI DSS compliant one.

                          Does anyone know if you opt for PPP can you shift the CC processing to paypal servers? or do you have to stick with old fashioned PP and allow peeps to choose whether to use their PP acct or simply pay with CC?


                            and at the risk of sounding like a broken record you have to consider PCIDSS
                            O yes I forgot that one - makes google checkout look very good then


                              As Lee says HSBC is the best integrated, most secure, most trusted and best value.
                              I'm not sure i entirely agree with this -

                              there are other recommended PSPs (based on community member experience) these include

                              Secure Trading and SecPay.

                              The jury is currently out on Worldpay as they have just started their PCI upgrade and have messed up callbacks according to posts today.

                              Protx is the cheapest option and also the most problematical

