Hello All.
Does anyone know a reliable company who would be able to assist my company in coding the integration for the V12 (finance company) psp so we can accept on-line finance applications on our web-site??
We have had this done before when using able2buy before they went bust and it worked very well, but last time we paid Astute Merchants to code it who no longer offer the service.
Oh, buy the way - its for Actinic V7 Multi User
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Does anyone know a reliable company who would be able to assist my company in coding the integration for the V12 (finance company) psp so we can accept on-line finance applications on our web-site??
We have had this done before when using able2buy before they went bust and it worked very well, but last time we paid Astute Merchants to code it who no longer offer the service.
Oh, buy the way - its for Actinic V7 Multi User
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.