My mail system has suddenly stopped working in V7.06.
I have run a server test, with the following results:

At first I thought the cause was my old computer as I have problems with a few files uploading to the server with 0 bytes. Once deleted they uploaded correctly.
But I cannot identify any files that fit the above criteria that may be responsible for the mail problem.
The Network Settings have not been altered and I have checked the folder permission settings via FTP and they are correct, Acatalog 777, CGI-BIN 755.
Are there any suggestions as to the cause and if it is an ISP rather than an upload problem, then some advise as to what I need to ask them to help solve this problem?
This is the latest log entry that highlights the problem:
Program = MailForm, Program version = 3 , HTTP Server = Apache/1.3.29 Sun Cobalt (Unix, Return code = 999 , Date and Time = 2008/06/07 13:34, Internal Errors = There is no valid input parameters for the script! Check the referencing HTML code!
I have run a server test, with the following results:
At first I thought the cause was my old computer as I have problems with a few files uploading to the server with 0 bytes. Once deleted they uploaded correctly.
But I cannot identify any files that fit the above criteria that may be responsible for the mail problem.
The Network Settings have not been altered and I have checked the folder permission settings via FTP and they are correct, Acatalog 777, CGI-BIN 755.
Are there any suggestions as to the cause and if it is an ISP rather than an upload problem, then some advise as to what I need to ask them to help solve this problem?
This is the latest log entry that highlights the problem:
Program = MailForm, Program version = 3 , HTTP Server = Apache/1.3.29 Sun Cobalt (Unix, Return code = 999 , Date and Time = 2008/06/07 13:34, Internal Errors = There is no valid input parameters for the script! Check the referencing HTML code!