I'd have to question the frequency and whether that points to your users more than the site itself. Can we take a look at the site?
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"Your shopping cart has expired" error - did anyone ever find a fix?
Within Actinic, Click Help then Troubleshooting
Click the 'Get Server Time' button, this will find the actual server time. Doubt this will differ from the time found by the script you ran, but you never know.
If you're sat adamant that the software is at fault, install Actinic from scratch on another machine if possible (or license a new site if using Actinic Business) and give the new site the same FTP details. Switch to Test Mode and play around with the site to see if you can re-create the issue with the test site. Presumably this would let you identify if the issue is with your server or within Actinic itself. That's how I'd diagnose the problem anyway.
For what it's worth, my money is on the web host.
According to the logs it happens pretty much every day. The website is www.cameraclean.co.uk (am I allowed to post urls? - I guess I'll find out!)
Thanks for your help!
<Actinic:TEMPLATE type="begin" filename="C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1\Act_PrimaryCheckout.html"/>
This is referenced just after the <body> tag on your checkout pages. Perhaps not the reason for the errors, but certainly can't be helping your cause.
In fact, this seems to be quite common throughout your code. Personally I've not played around with V7 code, so wouldn't be able to offer much advice on this. Referencing files on c:\ doesn't make sense, regardless if this is default Actinic v7 behaviour or not(?)
I just went to all three of your payment options without any trouble. Could see any out of the ordinary, but what do you look forLOL.
Does this happen at any particular time of day?
Army Gore-tex
Winter Climbing Mitts
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grant - Re: the code...yes you get that if you don't Compact HTML/CGI on uploading the site. I seem to remember when I did compact it caused other problems though.
webD - the error file is here http://www.cameraclean.co.uk/acatalog/error.err so you can see the grim details for yourself!
I've been sitting on checkout page 1 for about 15 minutes now, I will leave it for another half hour or so and see what happens. Just checked your error log and it does make for depressing reading. These errors are being logged on a virtually constant daily basis since approx April 2008. Have you spoken to your host to see if they have implemented any security features in April 2008 which may be causing this?
Having said that, the error log shows this has happened quite often before this point for 2 years prior to 2008. Seems strange that it is only this error that is being logged, there is virtually no other errors being logged for an entire year.
I am assuming you still get orders downloading through Actinic, or does everyone that orders run into this, after informing you when they order by other means?
Originally posted by tintin99 View Postgrant - Re: the code...yes you get that if you don't Compact HTML/CGI on uploading the site. I seem to remember when I did compact it caused other problems though.
Lee that as to be too frequent for user error?
It's definitely begining to smell of a server problem IMO as I suggested earlier, I think you should try it on a different server.
Army Gore-tex
Winter Climbing Mitts
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I have been going back and forth between PSP and your site (Sorry about all the PSP pending orders, lol!) and haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary. One thing I did notice though, is selecting Paypal - the transfer between your site and Paypal look around 20-30 seconds. On the Paypal server, the details which had been carried over seemed to have messed up. On your site I entered my telephone number, but on the Paypal page it shows a completely different 6-digit number in Home Telephone. I know that's another story altogether but just letting you know the issue exists. Protx was fast as usual, no problems there.
Clicking 'Cancel' to return from PSP to your site was no problem.
Another niggle is the Receipt page - you are showing a different e-mail address, be careful not to confuse customers with that
Would 100% lead me to believe you have Hosting issues. 1+1 seem to be quite problematic IMO.