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new host - email within Actinc doesn't work anymore

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    new host - email within Actinc doesn't work anymore

    Hi there!

    We have just changed our hosting company, and funnily enough we moved from a company reselling Fasthosts to a company reselling Fasthosts.
    So, I thought there shouldn't be any problems with the settings, as it's on the same servers.
    Because we put the site live before moving the domain name (, we have it all on a sub domain of the company:
    Now, this needed a bit of fiddling to get the email working again, but it's all working now: within Outlook Express the email works, within Actinc the upload works, but the email function within the catalogue (v.6) doesn't work anymore.
    The hosting company just advise to go onto this forum and ask for help, very helpful....
    Now, the original setting within the network settings were to send emails.
    The hosting company say we need to use the sub domain, so that it becomes - but we tried all that, and it doesn't work.

    He says, that it can't have anything to do with the permission settings, and so now we're clueless as to what it could be then - is there another field somewhere that needs to be changed apart from the Network Settings in the Advanced option?

    Thanks for any help that you can give!

    Moustique Design
    Web Design with a Sting!

    Within the Network Set up dialogs 'SMTP Server' settings, try putting 'localhost' without the quotes in there to see if that solves the problem.

    Hope it helps...


      nope, that doesn't solve the problem...

      Hello there!
      Thanks a lot for the tip, and also for replying so quickly, but unfortunately this doesn't solve the problem!

      Any other ideas?


      Moustique Design
      Web Design with a Sting!


        Hi Anuschka

        It's possible for Outlook to be able to send emails but Actinic unable to because the emails sent by Actinic are not sent from the desktop but from a perlscript on the web server. You may have problems if the SMTP server does not recognise the address of the web server or does not relay emails to addresses other than your domain name.

        If the host cannot help you with SMTP, you may be able to use 'sendmail' for which Norman Rouxel has made a patch available (details here).

        Ben Popplestone
        Ecommerce website software


          HI, i think its more of a case your smtp server has not been setup correctly or requires authentication to accept email relaying from your sub domain. Try an asp script in your space to see if it sends emails to you from that.

          i.e the following :-

          Dim objCDO
          Set objCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")

          objCDO.To = ""
          objCDO.From = ""
          objCDO.BodyFormat = 1
          objCDO.MailFormat = 1

          objCDO.Subject = "TEST FROM WEBSITE
          objCDO.Body = "TEST FROM WEBSITE"



          This should work on a Windows 2002 server however if you are on a windows 2003 server and they are using the smpt client that is installed with that then you may have a problem. Fasthosts like most ISP are trying to stop spam so it might be there smtp servers require authentication before sending out emails. You would have to then talk to your ISP for info on how to do that.


