I've just upgraded another site using the rather alarming site upgrader, and by default it wiped out the NETQUOTEVAR:BULK statement. How crap is that?!?
I've done a number of site upgrades, and most times actinic makes some minor or major cock-up's. Admittedly I just hit the lightbulb, and don't bother going through the code. But then I am a developer, and the Siteupgrader interface freaks even me out. I just accept the defaults and fix it later.
Even accepting the defaults, the Siteupgrader coding shouldn't be so crap as to keep wiping out things like NETQUOTEVAR:BULK statements - which has happened more than once to me!
We tend to advise our clients to send us their catalog for upgrades, as the process is way too precarious for the average shop owner. It can go smoothly once in a while, but only if the site has a boring original not-messed-with template.
Can we have some better quality coding please??? pretty please??
I've done a number of site upgrades, and most times actinic makes some minor or major cock-up's. Admittedly I just hit the lightbulb, and don't bother going through the code. But then I am a developer, and the Siteupgrader interface freaks even me out. I just accept the defaults and fix it later.
Even accepting the defaults, the Siteupgrader coding shouldn't be so crap as to keep wiping out things like NETQUOTEVAR:BULK statements - which has happened more than once to me!
We tend to advise our clients to send us their catalog for upgrades, as the process is way too precarious for the average shop owner. It can go smoothly once in a while, but only if the site has a boring original not-messed-with template.
Can we have some better quality coding please??? pretty please??