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increasing quantities with radio buttons

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    increasing quantities with radio buttons


    Does anybody know how to add the option of larger quantities of a product but with a different price, while still calculating the correct weight and control the stock. For example I sell inkjet cartridges and I want to offer a black cartridge at £1.99 with options of 2 at £3.79 and 4 at £6.99. For layout purposes I would prefer to use radio buttons, but I loose the stock control feature if I do this.

    I can do it using just components but it is very messy. You can see an example of mine at See "bulk prices on CDR"

    Thanks to any help that can be given.
    Brad Sutherland - Discsplus

    Unfortunately, it is only components that can be lined to stock quantities - you cannot link individual choice to stock quantities. Hence, if you want a selection to add a different quantity to the cart - you have to use a different component.

    All I can suggest is some things to help you lay out your component checkboxes better.

    To begin, open Act_VariantCheckBox.html and remove the <BLOCKQUOTE> tags around NETQUOTEVAR:PRICEEXPLANATION.

    Also, go into 'Design | Text', clock 'Go to' and go to prompt 2045. This is the <br> tag that appears at the end of every component. You can remove this.


      Thank you

      Thank you very much for that, Chris. May I suggest that Actinic explore my needs in Version 7.

      Thanks for the layout tips, it will really help a lot.

      Thank you


        are you on catalog or business?

        business has a very neat feature that allows you to go into the prices part of a product, add another retail price, make that price different, and make its minimum order 500 say.....

        works really really well, and i havent seen the ability to do it documented

        see attached jpgs for results..

        steve q.
        Attached Files


          Thank you

          Thanks Steve, I am now looking in to buying the business version.

          Thank you

