Hi there,
I am having a bit of a nightmare, Surrey Pets is the site we spent all last night putting the new design together but when we add to basket there is a table that is pushing the the right navigation over, simuarly if you then checkout then all the date entry feilds are so wide the M25 would benefit...
I have changed just about all the templates I can think may affect this Act_order000 to 004 shipselecttemplate, order detail etc but for the life of me I cant get the bloodyl thing to work.
Any one got any suggestions?
I am having a bit of a nightmare, Surrey Pets is the site we spent all last night putting the new design together but when we add to basket there is a table that is pushing the the right navigation over, simuarly if you then checkout then all the date entry feilds are so wide the M25 would benefit...
I have changed just about all the templates I can think may affect this Act_order000 to 004 shipselecttemplate, order detail etc but for the life of me I cant get the bloodyl thing to work.
Any one got any suggestions?
