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Shipping Cost Calculator Bug

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    Shipping Cost Calculator Bug

    I have come across what appears to be an odd little bug when changing the Shipping Cost charge for an order.

    Our shipping table is set up to calculate by weight (although at present, we have all weights set to the same default charge of £4.99, and then manually amend the postage charge when we process the order, if we want to charge less than this).

    A specific set of events undoes any changes made to the Shipping Cost of an order.

    If you follow this sequence:

    Open the order, select Totals tab, and change the shipping cost.
    Close the order.

    Open the order and select the Shipping and Handling tab. Close the order. We often look here to check for Special Delivery Instructions, as they do not get printed out on the Invoices and we dont use the packing note report. Despite it being a S&H tab, you can't actually adjust the shipoing charge from here, which is a little weird, and why we are often then re-checking the Totals tab.

    Open the order, and select the Totals tab again, and the postage recalculates back to the default given by the shipping table (undoing the first change carried out above).

    Anyways, whilst not a major bug, it has caught us unawares several times, when we have changed the postage on an order, printed it out, then inadvertently gone through the above sequence of events, then printed out the credit card schedule, which now shows the incorrect total, as the postage change was undone.

    Any ideas? Couldn't find this one in the knowledge base.



    The sequence to follow is

    1) Go to the 'Shipping and Handling' tab.

    2) Change the value in the 'Calculated' field and click 'Update Order Shipping'.

    3) The new shipping charge should now be set (and stay set) wherever you look.


      Hi Chris

      Changing the shipping in the way you suggest exhibits the same problem.
      True, the change takes effect, the same as it does when you change it via the Totals tab, BUT if you reopen the order (for whatever reason), and select the Totals tab, the postage reverts back to the pre-change amount (and remains so under all tabs).



        as originally posted, same problem of reverting back also applies if you reopen the order and reselect the Shipping tab (after selecting any other tab)


          I have now been able to reproduce this.

          The way to stop this from happening is to also edit the 'Cost' value in the 'Order Packaging' grid in the 'Shipping and Handling' tab. Once you change this to the new value it seems to work fine and always remember the value

          I'll raise this with the development team.


            Thanks Chris

            That seems to do the trick.


