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VAT Exemption Field

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    VAT Exemption Field

    Hi all,

    We've recently upgraded from v4.1 to v6. In v4.1 at checkout, it would show VAT even if the order was outside the EU but once the order was downloaded, v4 allowed manual control over the VAT field on any given invoice which gave us full control of the tax issue.

    v6 however, has an exemption box at checkout which the customer must tick if they are exempt (country selection does not do this for them). If they forget to do this, the order comes through showing VAT, and the box in v4 that allowed us to manually override is no longer available. This means the order has to be scrapped and a separate invoice generated.

    We find that a high percentage of customers outside the EU are not placing their orders correctly and we can find no way of amending it.

    We have UK sales, EU sales and Rest of World sales, as our shipping bands.

    In Tax we are using Simple Tax with the "allow exemption" box checked. This means all shipping bands are able to select VAT exempt, which really should only be available to customers outside the EU.

    We tried using Advanced Tax, but had problems with orders as a result, so reverted to Simple Tax again.

    Can anyone help? Have we set things up incorrectly? We have spoken to Actinic Support about this, yet they couldn't help us!!

    Many thanks in advance

    If you change your tax set up to Advanced, you can then choose which tax is levelled for which zone. You can choose 'none' for the Rest of world - based on invoice address etc...

    What problems did you have when you set it up for advanced?


      Many thanks for your reply Gill.

      I can't actually remember what happened last time we tried Advanced. I think we will give it another go in the next quiet spell, so I'm sure I'll be back then!!

      Thanks again


        What problems did you have when you set it up for advanced?
        We have a problem with this...

        If we choose advanced then the first page of the checkout ("choose country") appears, which is a completely pointless screen as we only have one country so there is no choice anyway.

        We can get rid of this screen (highly desirable) by choosing simple tax. However, then we can't set the 'allow exemption' and 'enter VAT number' prompts.

        Simple tax does allow the customer to exempt themselves - but doesn't let them type in their vat number which messes things up in actinic (like if you open the order and go to the taxes screen it won't let you leave until you type in the VAT number it didn't bother to ask the customer for...)

        So... is there a way to have advanced tax and get rid of the country screen of the checkout?

