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Errors in the way a product page displays

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    I see your problem in

    The problems are all on pages that have section link as the last item in the main bulk of the page. This makes me think that the problem is in the table that lays out your section links.

    Go to 'Design | Text | Website | HTML' and go to lines 9, 10, 11 and 12. They should look like this...



    <TD WIDTH="%d%%" valign="top">


    Check this in yours and fix any HTML that is necessary. You can use the 'Restore Defaults' button as well in these prompts.


      Hi Chris,

      Yes, they are all as you describe apart from the ALIGN="top" which I have added and applied, but a preview shows no difference and the problem remains. Have I missed something?

      Money Saving Eco Friendly Products | UK Dating | Love Horse Dating


        The problem is that for whatever reason your 'news' column seems to think it is outside of the main table you have created. If you go to 'Save As' in IE6, you can save the fully-generated page to your desktop and open it in Dreamweaver.

        Your problem is with this piece of code just before the <!-- #EndEditable --> in the page:
            <TD bgColor=#f0f0f0><IMG height=1 
              src="Redspan Solutions Ltd D-Link Wired-Wireless Routers, Switches, Hubs_files/clearpixel.gif" 
        If you get rid of this, everything looks fine in Dreamweaver. Find out where this code is coming from and get rid of it.



          You're quite correct; it does improve things and the news column is where it should be. The only niggle left is that the footer table containing the navigation buttons still falls outside the table containing the list of sections. It's in the right place on product pages but the subsection pages have it slightly to one side.

          Having said that this has taken up so much time that I will have to leave it as it is for now. Only the sharp eyed will notice the imperfection.

          Thanks to everyone who helped with this. It is greatly appreciated

          Money Saving Eco Friendly Products | UK Dating | Love Horse Dating



            I've noticed that there are no errors at all if I remove NETQUOTEVAR:BULK from the page templates so clearly there is a conflict in the 'table' HTML that this attribute generates, and the table HTML of the rest of the template.

            I have double checked the HTML of my headers and footers using the syntax checker in Dreamweaver and everything is clean. I have then used these to create the templates for Act_Primary and Act_Receipt etc.

            This page is OK

            This one is not:

            This one is not:

            and the products themselves display correctly:

            What are the component parts of the BULK? If I could work out what this attribute generates I could check that against the tables that are already there.

            Money Saving Eco Friendly Products | UK Dating | Love Horse Dating


              What are the component parts of the BULK?
              On a section page, BULK is replaced by the contents of Act_ProductBody.html.

              The variables within this are as follows:

              NETQUOTEVAR:PARENTSECTIONSTOP/BOTTOM - the 'breadcrumb'. Controlled by the settings in 'Design | Options | Sections' and built by the following templates: Act_ParentSectionsLink.html, Act_ParentSectionsThis.html and Act_ParentSectionsSeparator.html
              NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP/BOTTOM - list of top-level sections. Usually commented out.
              NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONLISTTOP/BOTTOM - list of subsections. Laid out in table rows that come from IDs 1187, 1188, 1198 and 1190. Into these table rows are inserted the section links themselves that come from Act_SectionLine and related templates.
              NETQUOTEVAR:CARTERRORLISTXML - list of errors on the page. This is built by IDs 2178, 2179 and 2180.
              NETQUOTEVAR:HIDDENINPUT - some hidden form fields.
              NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTBULK - All the products in a table. Built from product layout templates (e.g. Act_ProductLine) and product separators (Act_ProductSeparator). Note that all the products are laid out within one table - the <table> and </table> codes are from Act_ProductBody itself.
              NETQUOTEVAR:SINGLEADD - the single add to cart button - from Act_SingleCartButton.html

              Hope that helps identify the problem.

