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simple digital download question

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    simple digital download question


    I want to offer one cd for sale on my site as a digital download and a mail order cd. I want to use the drop down menu option with two options 1. mail order and 2. mp3 download. on the mail order drop down i want it to accept payment and get the order and on the mp3 download i want it to accept payment and send the customer a link,. Can someone please tell me how to do this. I know its probably very simple but i have been trying for hours to no avail.

    Thank You


    I want to use the drop down menu option with two options 1. mail order and 2. mp3 download.
    Create your 'Album' product and then create a component within it called 'Selection'. Then create a attribute within the component called 'Format' and create two choices called 'Send CD' and 'MP3 Download' (or something).

    You then need to create a separate product called 'MP3 Download' and fill in the 'Digital Download' tab with the MP3 file you want to give people. If you have no 'Digital Download' tab then you will need to purchase the Digital Download plug-in for £149. Select 'Hide on Web Site' for this product (in the 'General' tab) so it does not appear separately online.

    Then go to the 'Selection' component and switch to the 'Permutations' tab. Click 'Fill List' and in the 'Product' field for your 'MP3 Download' choice, select the 'MP3 Download' hidden product. That way, customers will get a link to it after they order.

    With regards to your other points, it is unfortunately not possible to tailor the checkout based on what the customer has ordered.


      thank you very much i will try this.


        what would i do if i just wanted to put up a product as a digital download with no other option?

        Thank You



          right i have tried what you suggested above and it has set up the two options for me - one as a "send cd" and one as a "download mp3" option. thing is when i go to just buy the mp3 download i get a shipping charge of €3.50 coming up which i dont want as its a download, but i do want it on the send cd option. The other thing is i dont know if all this works because i should get a downloadlink sent to my e-mail address an this is not happening, is this becuase its in test mode? do i need to uncheck auto ship option anywhere?

          thanks for your help



            when i go to just buy the mp3 download i get a shipping charge of €3.50
            You need to switch to charging shipping by weight, and then ensure you charge €0.00 shipping when the order weighs 0kg. You can then set the weight of the associated download product to 0kg (also make sure the weight of the main product is 0kg).
            The other thing is i dont know if all this works because i should get a downloadlink sent to my e-mail address an this is not happening,
            Is it that the email is not being sent, or is it that the email is being sent without the link? If it is the latter, then try just setting up a test digital download product and try ordering it. See whether the link happens then. If it does, then there is a problem with the option being associated with your 'MP3' download product.



              Its that the e-mail is not being sent at all. Thats nothing to do with it being in test mode i presume?


              Thnaks by the way!


                I have tried to change the weight to 0 in the shipping section of business settings but then this change affects all other products, how can you individually change each product.


                  you can set the weight on the product dialog box, General tab


                    Its that the e-mail is not being sent at all. Thats nothing to do with it being in test mode i presume?
                    Although the email is not being sent, are you seeing the download link within the shopping cart in the online Actinic receipt?

                    The email not being sent may be a problem with your SMTP server settings. When you click 'Test' in 'Advanced | Network Setup', does it pass?



                      I am not sure what you mean exactly by the online receipt in the actinic catalog, how do i check this?

                      Here is the error i get when i test it in the advanced | network setup. Now i know for a fact that this server address is correct and i have tested with the firewall off and still no luck.

                      The computer you specified as your mail server is not a valid mail (SMTP) server. Check the computer name or address and try again. If it fails again, then it is possible, you were locked out by a firewall program, or you don't have network connection to this server.

                      Mail server messages:

                      220 ESMTP Postfix
                      250 Ok
                      554 <>: Recipient address rejected: Access denied
                      Failed 4 - Response: 554 <>: Recipient address rejected: Access denied


                        Hi Again!

                        Right, i changed the e-mail address to one of the one i have from my local isp and changed the server address accordingly and i got a successfull test. But when i change back to my domain hosting address i receive the errors. Is this a problem with the host for my domain so?



                          i see what u mean about the link in the online is none. Also i can not see an option to set the weight to anything in the general tab on the product....all is see are shipping details box.



                            below 'shipping details' should be a box marked 'weight in Kg'. That's where you enter the product weight.


                            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                              well i dont have that, if i click on an individual product to edit its details i get the tabs general / prompt / stock / extended information / properties / digital download.

                              In the general tab as i have been told to go to i have Information Link Text - Product Layout - Minium Quantity.

                              Then below that i have shipping details. There are two boxes here, One with a "0" to the left of it and a smaller box with "ship seperatly" that is uncehecked- there is nothing about weight in it.

                              I thought this product was easy to use. Anyone know if it has a 30 day money back quarantee?


