We have recently gone from using Actinic SSL to using Protx as our payment gateway because we wanted our processing to be done automatic and not get through orders that will fail.
However what we have now noticed is that before when we did the transactions we would note names, addy's that we thought were suspect and hold back orders/transactions until we could get some verification from customer. ie somebody come to site and order £700 worth of guns and delivery addy would be diff to invoice.
Protx has let some very dubious orders go through this week.
We have the feeling that the credit card details have been stolen from somewhere but the owner is not aware as they still have their card and will not be aware until the next invoice from credit card company.
We feel that Protx offers us nothing new from when we were manually processing our cards, apart from the fact that we were more on the ball when it came to sniffing out suspicious orders.
So the problem we face if we recieve an order through for a £200 gun and the card details go through then at the end of the month the owner of the card finds ppl have been spending on it and they contact the credit card company, we then have the money taken back out of our account.
We would like to know is there any payment gateway out there that insures you for the transactions they put through? So if they put through an order of a card thats stolen we are not the ones left liable ? ..
We thought Protx was going to be a good solution but where as they do the transaction we wouldnt of done these transactions and now think we want to go back to manual processing.
(Just to claify - We never ship items to orders we feel that are fraud, we are not looking to be insured so we can ship all orders, we are looking for a payment system that is on the ball)
Thanks -
We have recently gone from using Actinic SSL to using Protx as our payment gateway because we wanted our processing to be done automatic and not get through orders that will fail.
However what we have now noticed is that before when we did the transactions we would note names, addy's that we thought were suspect and hold back orders/transactions until we could get some verification from customer. ie somebody come to site and order £700 worth of guns and delivery addy would be diff to invoice.
Protx has let some very dubious orders go through this week.
We have the feeling that the credit card details have been stolen from somewhere but the owner is not aware as they still have their card and will not be aware until the next invoice from credit card company.
We feel that Protx offers us nothing new from when we were manually processing our cards, apart from the fact that we were more on the ball when it came to sniffing out suspicious orders.
So the problem we face if we recieve an order through for a £200 gun and the card details go through then at the end of the month the owner of the card finds ppl have been spending on it and they contact the credit card company, we then have the money taken back out of our account.
We would like to know is there any payment gateway out there that insures you for the transactions they put through? So if they put through an order of a card thats stolen we are not the ones left liable ? ..
We thought Protx was going to be a good solution but where as they do the transaction we wouldnt of done these transactions and now think we want to go back to manual processing.
(Just to claify - We never ship items to orders we feel that are fraud, we are not looking to be insured so we can ship all orders, we are looking for a payment system that is on the ball)
Thanks -
