Is it two payments within the Payment History of the order in Actinic? If so, do they add up to the right amount or has the person effectively paid twice?
All I can think is that at the Payment Service Provider the person clicked 'Submit', but before the page refreshed he pressed 'Stop' then 'Back' on his browser and then selected a different currency.
The customer got to the WorldPay site, selected 'British Pounds' and then hit 'Submit'. Then the customer changed their mind and clicked the 'Stop' button on the browser - by which time WorldPay had activated the payment and created the call-back to Actinic. The customer hit their 'Back' button and then switched to 'US Dollars' and submitted the payment again.
You need to refund the customer for one of the payments.
Originally posted by cdicken Not really, it sounds pretty clear to me.
The customer got to the WorldPay site, selected 'British Pounds' and then hit 'Submit'. Then the customer changed their mind and clicked the 'Stop' button on the browser - by which time WorldPay had activated the payment and created the call-back to Actinic. The customer hit their 'Back' button and then switched to 'US Dollars' and submitted the payment again.
The thing that I don't understand is how you got a US Dollars payment for actinic, when my American customers pay in dollars I still get the payment in my currency which is pounds.