Having uploaded my site, keep getting the message: error 500: Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. When trying to go to the checkout.
I have replaced the modified OrderScript.pl I had with the original and done several refreshes but cannot sort it out.
Host is oneandone, and anusing version 6.02
On the initial upload, The .class files were not transferred - I had to create the directory and manually upload them. Similarly, the encrypt files had to be uploaded manually. There are no .num files. hope this helps.
Any ideas - Url is www.happyhobbit.co.uk
Having uploaded my site, keep getting the message: error 500: Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. When trying to go to the checkout.
I have replaced the modified OrderScript.pl I had with the original and done several refreshes but cannot sort it out.
Host is oneandone, and anusing version 6.02
On the initial upload, The .class files were not transferred - I had to create the directory and manually upload them. Similarly, the encrypt files had to be uploaded manually. There are no .num files. hope this helps.
Any ideas - Url is www.happyhobbit.co.uk