problems with catalogbody.html
Hi Chris
DUH! DUH! DUH! I don't believe I missed that |.com| When I couldn't access through |Enter|, the first place I went was to the Network Setting, and never saw that the url was missing the
.com| Working fine now that I added the |.com|
I am so very sorry for all the trouble I have caused you and the other members who tried to help. Days of aggravation and frustration for something so 'stupid" and 'simple'.
Again, thank you very much for your help with this.
Hi Chris
DUH! DUH! DUH! I don't believe I missed that |.com| When I couldn't access through |Enter|, the first place I went was to the Network Setting, and never saw that the url was missing the
.com| Working fine now that I added the |.com|
I am so very sorry for all the trouble I have caused you and the other members who tried to help. Days of aggravation and frustration for something so 'stupid" and 'simple'.
Again, thank you very much for your help with this.
