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Runtime error

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    Runtime error


    I've been upgrading a clients site to v7, and have sent thier new snapshot off to them, they have changed a product or two and are trying to make a snapshot backup, however they keep getting a runtime error each time they try to create a snapshot, and also they have rebooted thier machine a few times as well.

    I've attached the screen shot. I'm thinking it may be a case of re-installing the product but, just wondering if its anything else you may know of.

    Kind Regards
    Attached Files
    Mel Bagley

    KC3 - Actinic GOLD reseller


    If you're an Actinic Gold Reseller then you you must have some kind of support contract from them. Surely the quickest way to get an answer is to give them a call?


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Hi Mel

      When you client are trying to make a snapshot, are they exporting the snapshot on a network drive? If so, i would advise to save it on the desktop instead.

      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development


        Nadeem: The client is not backing up to a network drive (as far as they say). I've told them to backup thier site1 folder, but they have also decided to do a complete re-install. If that works will post it here.

        Olderscott: I use the forum as i find it a very good source of information. Anyone in the forum may have an answer. I think the support team do a very good job, but i always ask the forum first just in case (have only called actinic once, all the other times been on here). Also if i'm given a solution then i think others should see it too, save them calling actinic with the same problem.

        Many thanks to you both for your messages.
        Mel Bagley

        KC3 - Actinic GOLD reseller


          Client has now re-installed but are still receiving the errors when trying to create a backup.

          Displays the Microsoft C++ runtime error then the unable to reference memeory dialog.

          They have also tried it on another machine and still the same problem, though i'm not getting it on my machine.
          Mel Bagley

          KC3 - Actinic GOLD reseller


            Hi Mel

            This is a strange issue, especially since you cannot recreate this problem. What operating system are they running on?

            If it is Windows 2000 or Windows XP? then does their profile have Admin Rights? If they have not been given Admin Rights, then you will get an error.
            When you export a snapshot, Actinic tries to access the registry to export some settings into the snapshot.

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development


              Also, could you get them to try a 'Housekeeping | Compact Databases'. This has worked for other people getting crashes when doing a snapshot.



                I've just got the client to go through the compact database routine, but alas to no avail.

                Also they are running windows 2000 and the user is the Administrator.

                They had purchased thier upgrade about 14 days ago and are wondering if its best for them to call you, as they are at the machine.

                Let me know if that is best and I will get them to call you.
                Mel Bagley

                KC3 - Actinic GOLD reseller


                  Hi Mel,

                  I've no problem with using the forum, it's also handy for people in the future to be able to solve similar problems. I only made the suggestion to call actinic as at the time you'd made an empty post that looked as if you were trying to push this thread to the top of the queue again.

                  Unfortunately, by the time I'd posted you'd deleted your new post.


                  First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                    Mel - I suggest you re-install Actinic on their machine. This is the procedure to follow:

                    1) Copy the entire site folder (normally 'Site1') somewhere safe.

                    2) Open Actinic and make a note of all the settings in 'Housekeeping | Security'.

                    3) Close Actinic and uninstall it via Control Panel.

                    4) Clear out the 'Actinic v7' folder on the PC.

                    5) Re-install Actinic. Make sure you are installing the exactly the same version as the site was built with i.e. 7.0.0. or 7.0.1

                    6) Start Actinic and license the site (with the key recorded in step 2 above)

                    7) Once the site is licensed and open, close Actinic.

                    8) Copy the backed-up 'Site1' (or equivalent) folder into the 'Actinic v7\Sites' folder - overwriting any existing files.

                    9) Start Actinic again.

                    10) Copy in the 'Housekeeping | Security' settings copied from step 2.

                    11) Do a refresh ('Web | Refresh Website').


                      Same error experienced (possible solution)

                      I had exactly the same thing last night.
                      Here are the steps that seemed to create the error and then how I got around it. Hope it may help.

                      Steps that seemed to create the error.
                      I was using the demo version until a new key arrived, I then entered the new key, and exported a snapshot, that was fine until I reimported it and then could no longer create a snapshot, got the same errors as you seem to be getting.

                      Workaround I used.
                      I loaded a snapshot from before the license key was entered and then the snapshot export function worked fine.

                      Not sure if it is at all related but may give the Actinic support guys an avenue to check out, could it be something to do with entering a license key and it not updating something correctly. Did you do anything with license keys?

                      Rod Brooks
                      Oceanet 2000 Ltd.


                        Hi Rod

                        Thanks for the input, i will check this and try to recreate this problem. I will post back when i found any new information

                        Much appreciated

                        Kind Regards
                        Nadeem Rasool
                        SellerDeck Development


                          cheers rod,

                          Before i sent the snapshot to the client, i was working with the trial version, but then fully removed and installed the proper version (latest bsuiness) we received and continued working on that.

                          The client had a free upgrade and installed that, and subsequently he got the same errors and re-installed fully the upgrade.

                          Its a bit confusing as its working absolutly perfectly on my machine, snapshot works etc, but the clients keep causing the error.

                          I've never seen anything like this, and its very confusing. cheers guys though for your help, most appreciated.
                          Mel Bagley

                          KC3 - Actinic GOLD reseller


                            I've just been informed by my client that the issue has been resolved by actinic.

                            There were errors in my snapshot I had sent to my client. If possible i'd like to know what the probelms were, as i've also upgraded another client from v6 to v7, and i'm concerned that when they deploy thier snapshot the same will occur.

                            Many thanks to all
                            Mel Bagley

                            KC3 - Actinic GOLD reseller


                              Hi Mel

                              Please could you advise what the client company name was, so i can check and see what was done to fix this?

                              Kind Regards
                              Nadeem Rasool
                              SellerDeck Development

