Is it possible to have, for example:
...and then instead of simply having 'Item X 5 In Stock' have
Item X, 1xSmall, 2xMedium, 0xLarge, 2xXLarge so that when a customer is buying they will only be able to choose the Size in stock?
I don't want each size to appear as an individual item, but to still have a simple drop down to choose the size...just that any size out of stock will either say 'Large - Out Of Stock', or simply not be listed as a choice.
Probably not explaining things very well, but in essence, I want to be able to break the stock down further than the simple 'stock' option available in the program, and then display the options accordingly.
I guess this could equally apply to the colour. When there are no RED item X's left, only BLUE and WHITE.
Hope this makes sense to someone in the know. Desperate for an answer!
Is it possible to have, for example:
Item X
X Large
...and then instead of simply having 'Item X 5 In Stock' have
Item X, 1xSmall, 2xMedium, 0xLarge, 2xXLarge so that when a customer is buying they will only be able to choose the Size in stock?
I don't want each size to appear as an individual item, but to still have a simple drop down to choose the size...just that any size out of stock will either say 'Large - Out Of Stock', or simply not be listed as a choice.
Probably not explaining things very well, but in essence, I want to be able to break the stock down further than the simple 'stock' option available in the program, and then display the options accordingly.
I guess this could equally apply to the colour. When there are no RED item X's left, only BLUE and WHITE.
Hope this makes sense to someone in the know. Desperate for an answer!
