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Uneven spaces

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    Uneven spaces

    We are using Business v. 7.0.1 with Business theme and Actinic original product template (some might think boring but it is clean and fast).

    However, we notice that we get unequal horizontal spaces between description and price . . . all the ones with image on the left are one size and all the others with the image on the right are another size . . .

    anyone any ideas?

    Mandrake Press Ltd.
    Actinic user since 1998

    Hi there

    Are all the products using the same productline template layout, or different ones? There are several <br> tags placed between the description and price in the product line template that would give the gaps... so it could be if they are using different templates, one may have more <br> tags than the other - just an idea...

    Can you post up the website url so we can have a look?


      Hi James

      Nope . . . everything identical. To see it an action go here

      Mandrake Press Ltd.
      Actinic user since 1998


        Its quite random the way its doing it - have you checked the Full Description in the product details, that you dont have any returns after the text you have enetered for the products that have the big gap?


          Hi James

          The spaces are identical on each side . . . there is no randomness. on the left it is four lines and two lines on the right!

          There are no extra spaces or returns at the end of the Full Description in the product details of any of the products in the sample section.

          Mandrake Press Ltd.
          Actinic user since 1998


            If you have a look at the template in your site1 folder called Act_productline.html, you should see NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTDESCRIPTION and NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTPRICE, these should appear twice in this template.

            Has one of them got more <br> tags inbetween the two NETQUOTEVAR's than the other?

            If not, could you post up the productline template for me to have a look at please?


              Hi James

              Both appear identical to me in terms of <br> tags but NETQUOTEVARISCOUNTINFO appears in the 2nd occurrence!

              All products on the sample page are in the same product group and attract the same discounts

              file attached (file date 22/12/2003)

              1st occurrence==============================

              2nd occurrence==============================

              Mandrake Press Ltd.
              Actinic user since 1998


                Removing 2 <br> tags in the second occurance that appear before <BR><B>NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTPRICE</B><BR> would remove the extra 2 spaces that are being inserted.


                  still doesn't explain why it is doing it or why NETQUOTEVARISCOUNT is in the second occurrence -- is this the cause?
                  Last edited by Laylah; 23-Aug-2004, 10:49 PM. Reason: disabled smilies in text

                  Mandrake Press Ltd.
                  Actinic user since 1998


                    Would you be able to send in your snapshot then, as I cant see by looking at your site where these spaces are coming in from... looking at other sections, it dosent always happen on the second occurance of every product, it appears to be more random.

                    You can send the snapshot to the contact us link as the bottom of this page, and put it to the attention of me - James.


                      Hi James

                      Toby is working on a snapshot at the moment . . . another problem.

                      The snapshot (24Mb) exceeds my individual mail limit (20Mb)

                      If you want your own copy, can your let me know your ftp area

                      also I would need to look at particular sections to make sure everything was totally consistent amongst the products.

                      Are you sure it is not the extra variable causing the problem??

                      Mandrake Press Ltd.
                      Actinic user since 1998


                        Hi James

                        I should explain that this problem arose because we are working through the site attempting to make everything more consistent . . . some layouts are 'use parent' others are specified . . . this is why you are seeing apparently 'random' spacing.

                        In those sections where we have every product the same the spacings are unequal between right and left.

                        Mandrake Press Ltd.
                        Actinic user since 1998


                          Hi Tony

                          Found where those spaces are coming from, there is a <p> paragraph tag being inserted in Design | Text.

                          You can remove this by going to Design | Text, then click the GOTO button, enter phase = -1, id = 1240. If you delete the <p> that is highlighted then that will remove the spaces.

                          The other thing I would recomend, is to insert the NETQUOTEVARISCOUNTINFO in the same place in the 1st occurance that we discussed earlier, to keep the layout all even.

                          Hope that helps.


                            Thanks for your help . . . all done

                            Mandrake Press Ltd.
                            Actinic user since 1998

