Upgrade your SellerDeck site with a new enhanced checkout design snapshot.

After receiving countless requests from US SD store-owners to reformat their stores' checkout screens, we analyzed a number of online retail site's checkout screens. Working within the SellerDeck platform and not making any PERL script changes, we've made a simple design plug-in that can be used by anyone.

Versions available: SD2014 and SD2016. Buy and/or see a demo at sellerdeck.edwardson.com
  • For you: enhanced checkout is a simple design snapshot import that's easy to use.
  • For your customers: a simple intuitive checkout experience that's sure to drive more completed checkouts and reduce cart abandonment.

We hijacked the login screen and added a Guest and New User checkout button as a splash page when clicking checkout from the nav bar. Logged in users bypass splash page and go directly to checkout page 1. Guests and new users see a modified checkout page 1 with the password (required) fields hidden. Ticking "Create account" reveals the password fields. Unticking hides them again.

Test sites have seen an increase in completed checkouts and reduced abandoned carts.