I have recently noticed that although all of my products have the following options selected that not all of them display the Link Text or allow users to click the image. I am using the same template for all products however the ones affected in particular are where the settings to allow the link text and clicking were imported from a spreadsheet therefore actinic has not dyanimcally changed the way the html page (or even preview within actinic) displays.
Does anyone know how I can force actinic to regerate these products to include the Link Text and ability to click on the images without having to manually change the settings.
I have already tried export then import (with dire consequences - if you're really bored then read my other posts today).
The following details are definitely correct in all products...
1. Generate Popup page - ticked!
2. Clicking Product Image - ticked!
3. Text Link - ticked!
4. Popup page name - it's there!
Thanks for any help
I have recently noticed that although all of my products have the following options selected that not all of them display the Link Text or allow users to click the image. I am using the same template for all products however the ones affected in particular are where the settings to allow the link text and clicking were imported from a spreadsheet therefore actinic has not dyanimcally changed the way the html page (or even preview within actinic) displays.
Does anyone know how I can force actinic to regerate these products to include the Link Text and ability to click on the images without having to manually change the settings.
I have already tried export then import (with dire consequences - if you're really bored then read my other posts today).
The following details are definitely correct in all products...
1. Generate Popup page - ticked!
2. Clicking Product Image - ticked!
3. Text Link - ticked!
4. Popup page name - it's there!
Thanks for any help