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Refreshing Problem

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    Refreshing Problem


    I have recently noticed that although all of my products have the following options selected that not all of them display the Link Text or allow users to click the image. I am using the same template for all products however the ones affected in particular are where the settings to allow the link text and clicking were imported from a spreadsheet therefore actinic has not dyanimcally changed the way the html page (or even preview within actinic) displays.

    Does anyone know how I can force actinic to regerate these products to include the Link Text and ability to click on the images without having to manually change the settings.

    I have already tried export then import (with dire consequences - if you're really bored then read my other posts today).

    The following details are definitely correct in all products...
    1. Generate Popup page - ticked!
    2. Clicking Product Image - ticked!
    3. Text Link - ticked!
    4. Popup page name - it's there!

    Thanks for any help


    As always, an URL and a note of a faulty product would help.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Originally posted by NormanRouxel
      As always, an URL and a note of a faulty product would help.

      Sorry, when I wrote the posting I hadn't uploaded the site...

      Have a scroll down the list of products - the first instance of this problem is when you reach "Bach, J S: 18 Little Preludes BWV 924-8, 930, 933-43 & 999 (Piano)".




        Hmmm... Weird. The working product (above the Bach...) has
        HTML Code:
        <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="background: url('bg-product.gif') top center repeat-y;">
          <td align="left">
           <table width="410" cellspacing="18" cellpadding="0" border="0" >
             <td align="center" valign="top">
              <a href="javascript:ShowPopUp('info%5f9781423417606%2ehtml',600,700);">
               <img src="9781423417606.jpg" border="0" height="100" alt="Adult Piano Method - Book 1 (Piano + CD)" />
              <br />
              <a href="javascript:ShowPopUp('info%5f9781423417606%2ehtml',600,700);"><BR><P align="centre"><B>Contents & Info</B></p>
             <td align="left" valign="top" width="70%">
              <a name="a9781423417606">
               <b><span class='actregular'>Adult Piano Method - Book 1 (Piano + CD)</span></b>
              <div style="margin-top:10px; border-top: 0px solid #999; border-bottom: 0px solid #999; height:60px; overflow:auto;"></div>
        and the faulty product has
        HTML Code:
        <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="background: url('bg-product.gif') top center repeat-y;">
          <td align="left">
           <table width="410" cellspacing="18" cellpadding="0" border="0" >
             <td align="center" valign="top">
              <img src="9781854722256.jpg" border="0" height="100" alt="Bach, J S: 18 Little Preludes BWV 924-8, 930, 933-43 & 999 (Piano)" />
             <td align="left" valign="top" width="70%">
             <a name="a9781854722256">
              <b><span class='actregular'>Bach, J S: 18 Little Preludes BWV 924-8, 930, 933-43 & 999 (Piano)</span></b>
              <div style="margin-top:10px; border-top: 0px solid #999; border-bottom: 0px solid #999; height:60px; overflow:auto;"></div>
        There's an erronous </tr> (I've left it outdented) there that you might want to fix.

        Also the </a> tag after the image seems to be created but not the opening <a href="JavaScript:ShowPopUp....

        No Idea why though.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          are you using the same layout for each product on the page?
          Might be worth posting your layout code, if you are


            This is incorrect code:

            <P align="centre">

            and classes should be defined in " not '

            You have a lot of inline styles too, strip it all out put it in a stylesheet and you will slim down the code by quite a bit. Especially so on a page that is so long.

            Looks to me like your extended info code is messed up too.

            All in all a bit of a mess really.


              Thanks for the info - I'll get onto cleaning up the messy code soon.

              I was just wondering if it is a database problem rather than a coding problem.

              The reason I'm thinking this is because if I'm in Actinic and deselect then reselect the Text Link box in the Extended Info tab of the product it fixes the problem.

              The only issue is that I can't do this for all of the errors or I'll be there all week.

              I get the impression that the layout simply doesn't recognise that this selection has been made for some reason or another.

              Any ideas?

              Thanks again.



                have you done a compact on the database, David?

                Is it an upgraded site? Do all your products on site use the extended info or do some not?


                  Looks like an Actinic bug if that delelect/reselect fixes things. Try searching to see if anyone else has reported this.
                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                    Originally posted by budgetbumps
                    have you done a compact on the database, David?

                    Is it an upgraded site? Do all your products on site use the extended info or do some not?
                    Yes, I've tried compacting the database a few times with no results and all of the products now use the same extended info page and product layouts.


                      Originally posted by NormanRouxel
                      Looks like an Actinic bug if that delelect/reselect fixes things. Try searching to see if anyone else has reported this.
                      I have a feeling someone else has before, on an upgraded site, which is what made me ask if it was upgraded.


                        Originally posted by budgetbumps
                        I have a feeling someone else has before, on an upgraded site, which is what made me ask if it was upgraded.
                        Sorry I missed that part of the question... I've only ever used Actinic Business 8.5.1.




                          It is a bug and it was me that had it on the [LINK] function, actinic failed to upgrade it's own functionality correctly, this sounds like a similar problem. If you deselected and then reselected it all kicked in and worked perfectly. If i recall correctly it was either 205 or 207 instances i had of this and if you try a search on those numbers, it might bring up the thread. I think CD gave a workaround.

                          An export and then reimport would probably also do it.

                          The upgrade didn't add bad code or spelling mistakes though, so make sure to remedy those also.

