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Take 2...IE6 problem with some CSS

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    Take 2...IE6 problem with some CSS

    Posted this last night and deleted it because I thought I'd fixed it!
    Turns out, not

    It pains me to post because I hate asking here for advice (I wonder why ) but I am truly stuck


    Displays fine in FF and IE7 but not in IE6
    LHS menu isn't displaying right in IE6 as it's messing up some of the Black blocks.

    I'm fairly certain this was working 100% yesterday until I replaced some temporary graphics with .png files and added a "hack" to get them to view properly in IE6 (hack below..used before, never had problems with it )

    // Copyright 2001, Aaron Boodman
    // This code is public domain. Please use it for good, not evil.
    if (navigator.platform == "Win32" && navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && window.attachEvent) {
        document.writeln('<style type="text/css">img { visibility:hidden; } </style>');
        window.attachEvent("onload", fnLoadPngs);
    function fnLoadPngs() {
        var rslt = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (\d+\.\d+)/, '');
        var itsAllGood = (rslt != null && Number(rslt[1]) >= 5.5);
        for (var i = document.images.length - 1, img = null; (img = document.images[i]); i--) {
            if (itsAllGood && img.src.match(/\.png$/i) != null) {
                var src = img.src;
                var div = document.createElement("DIV");
       = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + src + "', sizing='scale')"
       = img.width + "px";
       = img.height + "px";
   = "visible";
    I had 2 png files, one on the homepage (the ship/porthole) and one on the main "show" page and it did allow these to display correct but it messed up the menu.

    So, I changed the png files to transparent gifs and removed the hack...but, for some reason, the menu is still not displaying correctly.
    I've done numerous updates (and I've seen it updating the js file so I know it did) and I've refreshed...I've even purged and refreshed but it's still not displaying right and I have no idea why not.

    I can only assume there is something wrong with my CSS in the first place?
    I've used Firebug to check what it's churning out but it's difficult to diagnose when it's working fine in FF anyway
    I've only just started on this site (it's a free one I'm doing for a society I sing with) and I hadn't checked it in IE6 prior to using the png (when I knew I'd have to check it) so I'm not 100% about it working prior to the hack (fully removed now) although I know of one other person who had seen it and uses IE6, and they didn't mention it not working.

    Can anyone think of a reason why the menu still playing up? I thought the CSS was ok but I have to admit I'm still "green" at it.

    Thanks :-)

    Last edited by TraceyHand; 26-Jan-2008, 06:10 PM. Reason: removed website address

    ok...adding to my own post here but I've just checked a previous site upload (on different webspace) from a few days ago (pre png changes/hack) and the problem is evident there too so it MUST be a CSS/code problem rather than anything to do with the hack I added and removed.
    Reassuring in a way but frustrating

    The investigation continues

    editted to say...even more difficult to fix because it displays fine on an offline preview in IE6 but just doesn't work online, so I'm having to upload it each time to test changes etc.


      omg..I fixed it!!

      Considered deleting the post but decided against it... not sure if it'll ever help anyone but you never know.

      OK..attached is the problem I was having with my menu.

      I'd originally put "position" in my CSS but then changed the style of the design partway so wasn't really using this
      Removed it from the CSS and BINGO....IE6 fixed (FF and IE7, clearly not bothered by it to begin with )

      Anyways, fixed now...and I'm starting to realise how picky IE6 is with CSS!!

      Tracey (happy bunny!)
      Attached Files


        Originally posted by budgetbumps
        It pains me to post because I hate asking here for advice (I wonder why ) but I am truly stuck

        Thanks :-)

        Hi Tracey,

        This just goes to show that its plain common sense to post and get super duper advice very quickly So much for your early reticence!!

        Location: North Yorkshire UK


          well, I did post once already yesterday and deleted it and I've still been wondering whether to delete this one but the hack for IE6 to show png graphics alone might be worth leaving the thread in tact.
          I must thank Gabe for putting me onto that, btw.
          He did say it isn't perfect but I've used it on a couple of sites now and it hasn't caused me problems yet (probably dug my own grave now ) despite me blaming it to begin with.

          I've reinstated the hack now and put back in the png image on the front page because the quality is much better than the gif, and all is working fine.

          CSS is out to challenge me, I know it is and all I ended up with was a waffly thread with me talking to myself but hopefully someone else might benefit from it one day!

          I'll still think twice before posting, mind you (and I'm removing the site link from the initial post)


            its doubly useful to leave it here, as you will know where to look the next time you make the same mistake.

            I am forever looking up old posts of my own, where i've detailled something i have subsequently forgotten how to do


              Originally posted by pinbrook
              its doubly useful to leave it here, as you will know where to look the next time you make the same mistake.

              I am forever looking up old posts of my own, where i've detailled something i have subsequently forgotten how to do
              ditto, me too!
              The daft thing is, I think it makes you (generic "you", not you personally LOL) lazy because you know the info is there so you just call it back up and use it, rather than absorbing the method and remembering for next time.


                Originally posted by budgetbumps
                ditto, me too!
                The daft thing is, I think it makes you (generic "you", not you personally LOL) lazy because you know the info is there so you just call it back up and use it, rather than absorbing the method and remembering for next time.


                Football Heaven

                For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                  Originally posted by george

                  oh shut up, you

                  if you don't have anything constructive to say, then keep outta my thread


                    The cleverest people are those who know where to get information when they need it without having to retain it


                      Originally posted by pinbrook
                      The cleverest people are those who know where to get information when they need it without having to retain it

                      full desktop/bookmarks..empty brain..that's me.. I'm clever


                        'Actinic Goodies' folder in favourites with about 30 links in there for me. Top 30 people on the forum search for most problems. You can always see experienced members searching and inexperienced members posting.

                        Lazy people have become my pet hate, those who say they have tried (for 3 seconds or so) or claim to have searched the forum, in fact this is the classic opening sentence nowadays. It's even funnier if you track them hitting the forum at 4.05pm. searching til 4.07pm and then posting at 4.10pm saying they've been at it for hours and all their attempts at fixing have failed.


                          I knew I wasn't the only one mesmorised by the "who's online" page

                          I do KWYM, Lee and I have a similar folder of Actinic bookmarks which gets hit on several times a day, at least.

                          it IS a shame that the forum search is so pants though...and, while I do use the Google search, I don't like not seeing which forum I'm heading to in advance or even the thread title itself (often it's a post title which might differ)

                          If the forum search allowed shorter words/phrases, it could be a WHOLE lot more accurate, IMO...but, here we are, back to how crap the search is still doesn't account for the fact that most people don't even bother searching properly or can't be bothered to look at the pages of results it throws back, even though one of those results probably does have the answer they're looking for

                          Oops, turned into a mini-rant...wasn't supposed to...but it's my thread so



                            I think part of the problem with searching is a lack of consistency in words used in a thread to describe a problem/solution. You can search for ages using terms that you understand to describe the problem, not find anything and then post asking for help - and then find that a different word would have got you there. It's happened to me before.

                            I'm not saying we should work towards consistency of descriptions - you can't have that because we all have our own way of talking & thinking. It's just that the search is crap because

                            a) people have different ways of describing the same thing and
                            b) the search is actually crap!!

                            Anyway - a lot of posts from newbies result from a lack of good documentation from Actinic. But I guess some of them wouldn't read it anyway!
                            Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
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                              But I guess some of them wouldn't read it anyway!
                              Most dont read what there is now so even if there was an Idiots Guide it would not make much difference IMO

