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SPP again ! (sorry)

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    SPP again ! (sorry)

    Hi - I am very new to Actinic, having previously used an alternative programme (now in administration) for the past 7 years. I am just about getting my head around various aspects and although have uploaded a new Actinic site to the web I have used expanded pages for extra info. I now read that SPP is the way to go. I have read the blog from Website Designed but when I tried it I just managed to crash the programme! Any pointers and other helpful instruction would be very much appreciated.

    Our alternative site, which is still running for the present is

    I've used the method mentioned in my tutorial for the past 5 years or so, so i can assure you that the method works and does not crash the software. Your database may have become corrupted or you may be experiencing a bug of some kind, very hard to say without a little more info on what you have done. There's another tutorial on my site about snapshots (probably the most important one to read), if you take one of these daily and also just before you do any considerable amount of work, at worst you always have a method to roll back to where you started and thus removing any gremlins that may have crept in.


      Originally posted by leehack View Post
      I've used the method mentioned in my tutorial for the past 5 years or so, so i can assure you that the method works and does not crash the software. Your database may have become corrupted or you may be experiencing a bug of some kind, very hard to say without a little more info on what you have done. There's another tutorial on my site about snapshots (probably the most important one to read), if you take one of these daily and also just before you do any considerable amount of work, at worst you always have a method to roll back to where you started and thus removing any gremlins that may have crept in.
      Thanks very much, but the problem I now have is that the programme will not open. I have a snapshot from the previous day but I cannot get the programme to open to import it. If I uninstall the programme, reinstall and then import the snapshot will that take me back to where I was. Many thanks for the help.


        You can uninstall and reinstall and then import your snapshot into the default store and you should be back where you were before the problem.

        Alternatively you can try this.
        If you have 7zip or an older version of winzip then you will be able to open the snapshot as an archive and then extract the ActinicCatalog.mdb file. You can then copy that file into the Site1 folder overwriting the existing database. Touchwood Actinic should then open.


          Many thanks to both of you. Uninstalled, reinstalled and imported latest snapshot and all working well again.

          Will study SSP tutorial again and hopefully not corrupt anything this time !

          Thanks a lot


