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    Any help would be appreciated.

    Have been trying with some/little success to just make a minor change to the following:

    What should be a ridiculously simple amendment has taken a ludicrous amount of time......

    Both these gifs are dynamically generated from Palette 1 in the Theme settings - this much I do know for sure.

    Where on earth are they set before being dynamically rendered ?
    Have searched style sheets and database.... at length ..................

    Can modify "bobcat_header_top.gif" quite simply by over-riding in style sheet, but cannot get around "bobcat_header_bg.gif" by the same method.

    The files are located in your site folder, you can overwrite them in that location, just keep name and size identical.


      Thanks for input.
      Yes, could constuct 2 gif's of same dimension, though would not be able to retain names as every time site is generated will be overwritten with the default colour scheme.

      Have already added a "colour" variable to the library - just need to know where the Palette1 setting is located for the gif generation. After that it's a doddle... will just assign them to Palette10 (or any other Palette added to library) and hey presto..


        They wouldn't be overwritten each time site is generated, it's only when you go into the them config screen. If you do as i recommended, you will be fine. If you don't believe me or a little uneasy doing that for whatever reason, perhaps add number "1" onto the end of a new file name almost the same and set the design to use that.


          The main danger in keeping the same names is if you were to change themes. This could then overwrite some of the files again (although not normally backgrounds). If you don't change the theme then you're safe to keep them the same.


            Many thanks for your suggestions - not trying to be obtuse.

            When a site preview is generated both the gif's (and others) are overwritten in the site folder (with new colour scheme if applicable).

            Was just looking for a quick variable change in the gif generation routine for the template to save a lot of mucking about....
            Thought this would be so easy, but nobody at Actinic Support seems to know where this is located either.

            Anyway, as suggested probably the quickest way is to generate fixed gifs, etc.. and then modify bobcat css to point at them.


              Nothing wrong with being obtuse, even more so if we are talking rubbish. Personally i have never seen a preview or anything else force a change to site created images. I have only ever seen a change of colour in theme config causing a change of graphic, which with a preview you are not doing. Only a colour change and thus the need for a new graphic is what causes an image change IME.

              Hard coding to your own images is best though IMO anyway, never a problem that way for sure.

              The image creator uses the palette colours you set in theme config as far as i know, so if you do not change those, i see no reason for it to do anything.


                You are quite right about the gifs only being re-generated when colour scheme is changed.

