Any help would be appreciated.
Have been trying with some/little success to just make a minor change to the following:
What should be a ridiculously simple amendment has taken a ludicrous amount of time......
Both these gifs are dynamically generated from Palette 1 in the Theme settings - this much I do know for sure.
Where on earth are they set before being dynamically rendered ?
Have searched style sheets and database.... at length ..................
Can modify "bobcat_header_top.gif" quite simply by over-riding in style sheet, but cannot get around "bobcat_header_bg.gif" by the same method.
Have been trying with some/little success to just make a minor change to the following:
What should be a ridiculously simple amendment has taken a ludicrous amount of time......
Both these gifs are dynamically generated from Palette 1 in the Theme settings - this much I do know for sure.
Where on earth are they set before being dynamically rendered ?
Have searched style sheets and database.... at length ..................
Can modify "bobcat_header_top.gif" quite simply by over-riding in style sheet, but cannot get around "bobcat_header_bg.gif" by the same method.