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Actinic with PayPal Pro and 3D Secure

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    AP can be customised to include color scheme and logo etc.


      Thank you for the information. But I assume from that you can't create your own html template and just use the AP form elements and any other essentials in your template? Does anyone know if this is possible with any of the PSP's?


        Originally posted by Smart View Post
        Can you explain this further? Do you mean they customise the PSP checkout page to have the same appearance as their own store? Do all PSP's offer checkout page customisation? Does Actinic Payments support this?
        Here's one solution:

        And HSBC's:


        So yes, if you have the money, then you can buy the integration kit so it looks as if you're taking the details directly on your own site. This is a v. expensive route.

        Alternatively, you can go for a bog standard PSP solution with some customisation posslbilities e.g. logo, colour scheme. Actinic Payments, SagePay and RBS WorldPay can do some/all as standard.
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          Re the criticism of Actinic for not updating the description of Paypal Pro to reflect the current situation - point taken and this will be corrected in the next few days.

          With regard to taking cards on your own site looking more professional, I am personally very loathe to enter card details into the site of a company that isn't a national brand name, so I think that it can work either way.

          Incidentally, we (Actinic) are currently working on a Knowledge Base article that will explain how to take payments from within an iFrame - so it appears to be on your site but actually isn't. The 3D Secure spec supports this so there's nothing dodgy about it. The only downside is that you will need to buy your own SSL cert. This is quite cheap but if you want the pukka EMV one (green bar) that we have on the Actinic Payments site, it's much more expensive.

          That way you get the appearance of taking cards on your site with the security of not doing so, while being able to wrap the page within your own branding. Could be a winner all round.

          Watch this space.



            Incidentally, we (Actinic) are currently working on a Knowledge Base article that will explain how to take payments from within an iFrame - so it appears to be on your site but actually isn't. The 3D Secure spec supports this so there's nothing dodgy about it. The only downside is that you will need to buy your own SSL cert. This is quite cheap but if you want the pukka EMV one (green bar) that we have on the Actinic Payments site, it's much more expensive.

            That way you get the appearance of taking cards on your site with the security of not doing so, while being able to wrap the page within your own branding. Could be a winner all round.

            Watch this space.
            That's interesting.

            Any chance whoever's looking at it can think about how best to incorporate it into the new checkout sequence in V10? I know the bounce page is going so if it could be part of the 2 page sequence that would be nice for people who want to do it this way.


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              With regard to taking cards on your own site looking more professional, I am personally very loathe to enter card details into the site of a company that isn't a national brand name, so I think that it can work either way.
              Most of our transactions are international, and I'm really not sure that most of the PSP's are internationally recognised brandnames. In fact, most people nationally don't know who SagePay, Actinic Payments etc.. are, obviously in your position these are all familiar names. HSBC and the other larger banks have the best likelyhood of being internationally recognised, but in my opinion the payment pages on these sites always look a bit clunky, and resemble the kind of fishing emails you receive trying to steal your bank details. Outside of the Actinic community, for people that don't have as much of an insight into the real goings on, an on site ssl payment page gives the most confidence.

              Is there a KB article yet on the integration of an Iframe, which looks like the best way for us to go. We already have our own SSL cert so this isn't an issue.


                Originally posted by Smart View Post
                Thank you for the information. But I assume from that you can't create your own html template and just use the AP form elements and any other essentials in your template? Does anyone know if this is possible with any of the PSP's?
                We use SecureTrading and that's exactly what you can do. Whilst we haven't bothered making the payment page on their server look exactly like our website checkout, this could be done to the extent that the only way you could tell that you had gone to them would be the change of URL in the browser's address bar (that and the vastly irritating bounce page in Actinic which hopefully will just be a fond memory in V10).

                As for the use of a PSP being less professional, this can perhaps be measured by the number of customers who fail to complete their payment once they have been passed across to the PSP's server. In our case this is virtually nil, and those who do fail probably do so for other reasons.

                PS (edit) another bonus from using a PSP like ST is that the browser's URL bar turns green when the customer is passed to them due to the extended validation process ST have gone through, this increasingly will be something the customers look for. A no brainer IMO.

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