I didn't expect this... but on the last few days of our support contract running out... support came back alive and managed to fix this for us...
Attached file (replace in sites/CommonOCC folder)
- our file is based on v18.02, has two fixes:
#1 : Paypal Address Truncation Problem
#2 : Paypal Special Characters
Comparing the files of the two fixes, the special charaters fix was quite simple
: we're out of SD support now... hoping someone else has one here...
Attached file (replace in sites/CommonOCC folder)
- our file is based on v18.02, has two fixes:
#1 : Paypal Address Truncation Problem
#2 : Paypal Special Characters
Comparing the files of the two fixes, the special charaters fix was quite simple
: we're out of SD support now... hoping someone else has one here...