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Clear Accept Formating

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    Originally posted by Hugh Gibson View Post
    It appears that you are also missing the grey overlay that appears when placing an order.
    I think I'm also missing the grey overlay, although I can see the CSS for div.paymentOverlay at the bottom of my Core Styles layout.

    Edit 21/04/23: now fixed, thanks to Sellerdeck Support.

    John Ennals


      Originally posted by Hugh Gibson View Post

      Hi, we would never have let it out the door if it looked like that as standard. You are missing some CSS. Each new version of Sellerdeck attempts to make an automatic update of layouts, but if they are heavily customised then this can fail. Get in touch with Sellerdeck support - we can help you get your layouts upgraded properly.

      A brand new generated site. No changes made other than to add Clear Accept. It is in Live Pre-Auth mode (LINK NOW REMOVED)

      My sites, as with other users sites will stop working soon. I have a two week holiday in May and have 4 sites to upgrade.

      My choice is to upgrade to something which is clearly not working and hope it doesn't kill my business. Stay put and hope that you allow my perfectly functioning Sellerdeck payments to continue for longer.

      Please can you keep the working Sellerdeck Payments going until this is resolved, and works as expected.



        Originally posted by Buzby View Post
        [*]On bank statement our id shows as Clr*http://titanj I’m concerned this could lead to charge backs as it is not clear who the retailer is. I presume Clr* has to be there, but could it be changed to something like Clr*TitanJewellery so that it is more obvious.
        I have asked for this too (via SD support).

        In the meantime, I have amended a layout called "Clear Accept Fields" to add some wording about what will appear on the customer's card statement.

        I added

        <br>The payment will show on your card statement as being paid to "CLR*HTTPS://WWW.CANALS"
        to the end of line 4 (which should be the line that talks about PCI DSS standards).

        I'll remove it when Clear Pay shows something more appropriate.
        Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
        SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
        Based in rural Northants


          Originally posted by Buzby View Post

          A brand new generated site. No changes made other than to add Clear Accept. Its in test mode so please feel free to try it (this was let out the door)

          My sites, as with other users sites will stop working soon. I have a two week holiday in May and have 4 sites to upgrade.

          My choice is to upgrade to something which is clearly not working and hope it doesn't kill my business. Stay put and hope that you allow my perfectly functioning Sellerdeck payments to continue for longer.

          Please can you keep the working Sellerdeck Payments going until this is resolved, and works as expected.

          It is in test mode so Sellerdeck Pay won't work (I don't think). It wasn't showing the card details fields when I tested it.

          Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
          SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
          Based in rural Northants


            Originally posted by Goz View Post

            It is in test mode so Sellerdeck Pay won't work (I don't think). It wasn't showing the card details fields when I tested it.
            Now in live Pre-Auth mode, but still not showing the card fields on my pc.

            It may however be a security feature to stop the keys being used elsewhere, although it is still on the correct domain.



              Originally posted by Buzby View Post
              On bank statement our id shows as Clr*http://titanj I’m concerned this could lead to charge backs as it is not clear who the retailer is.
              I've found that pending transactions appear on customer accounts like that, but the description changes to something more readable when the transaction clears. It also seems to vary according to bank, and whether you're looking at a statement or an online transaction list. For example, in my case:

              Natwest Debit Mastercard:
              Pending transaction: CLR*
              Cleared transaction viewed online: CLR*WWW.TOR
              Cleared transaction on dowloaded/printed statement: CLR*WWW.TOR, TOYS.CO.UK (the bank seems to have split TORTOYS into two words)

              Barclaycard Visa Credit:
              Pending transaction: clr*https://www.Tortoy
              Cleared trasnaction: clr*

              John Ennals


                Originally posted by John Ennals View Post

                I've found that pending transactions appear on customer accounts like that, but the description changes to something more readable when the transaction clears. It also seems to vary according to bank, and whether you're looking at a statement or an online transaction list.
                I've passed that on to ClearAccept for comment.
                Hugh Gibson
                CTO - Sellerdeck, part of ClearCourse


                  Originally posted by Hugh Gibson View Post

                  I've passed that on to ClearAccept for comment.
                  I also have a support ticket raised about this - SDCS-60431 - with examples.
                  Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
                  SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
                  Based in rural Northants


                    Originally posted by Goz View Post

                    It is in test mode so Sellerdeck Pay won't work (I don't think). It wasn't showing the card details fields when I tested it.
                    How do you set Sellerdeck Pay by ClearAccept in test mode?

                    I tried uploading with the configuration set to test mode but when I tried to enter an order I was presented with an error message PSP not recognised and a greyed out screen that I could not get past!

                    I could switch the site to Test Mode and then publish if that would make a difference but I didn't see this mentioned in the guidance notes (I don't think!).

                    It was easier setting up Sellerdeck Payments by Opayo as there was a clear distinction between test and production settings and a warning was given to advise when in Test Mode that payments would not be taken.


                      Originally posted by Mantra View Post

                      How do you set Sellerdeck Pay by ClearAccept in test mode?

                      I tried uploading with the configuration set to test mode but when I tried to enter an order I was presented with an error message PSP not recognised and a greyed out screen that I could not get past!

                      I could switch the site to Test Mode and then publish if that would make a difference but I didn't see this mentioned in the guidance notes (I don't think!).

                      It was easier setting up Sellerdeck Payments by Opayo as there was a clear distinction between test and production settings and a warning was given to advise when in Test Mode that payments would not be taken.
                      It looks, to me, like you are not able to test this in any way, shape or form. The integration does not have a test mode and if you put your site into test mode then the CGI script number is changed to start with a 9.... which I don't think will elicit a response from the ClearAccept servers (although, I could be talking out of my backside.... but that is my understanding). I'll raise a support ticket to get a definitive answer.
                      Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
                      SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
                      Based in rural Northants


                        Originally posted by Goz View Post

                        It looks, to me, like you are not able to test this in any way, shape or form. The integration does not have a test mode and if you put your site into test mode then the CGI script number is changed to start with a 9.... which I don't think will elicit a response from the ClearAccept servers (although, I could be talking out of my backside.... but that is my understanding). I'll raise a support ticket to get a definitive answer.
                        Thanks for that, I checked back on the KB set up guidance and this states:

                        Test Mode is only used by Sellerdeck. ClearAccept do not provide test accounts for merchants and using live credentials with Test Mode will result in errors.
                        Not good with only 3 weeks to go before the sun goes down - I guess you just have to wing it by publishing in production mode and see what happens!!


                        Mantra Audio

                        Uploaded site this morning after adding SellerdeckPay by ClearAccept in Production Mode and removing Sellerdeck Payments by Opayo after amending Customer Accounts | Payment Method to SellerdeckPay by ClearAccept - first order now received and download satisfactorily so appears to be functioning as intended, not attempted a MOTO order just yet.
                        Last edited by Mantra; 11-May-2023, 08:27 AM. Reason: PS added - feedback on SellerdeckPay by ClearAccept upload in Production Mode


                          Mantra, you may want to look at the name that shows on statements, and ask Sellerdeck to change it.

                          I requested this about 2 weeks ago, but haven’t yet had confirmation that it has been changed.

                          I like Clear Accept, but just wish we hadn’t been rushed into it.



                            Originally posted by Buzby View Post
                            Mantra, you may want to look at the name that shows on statements, and ask Sellerdeck to change it.

                            I requested this about 2 weeks ago, but haven’t yet had confirmation that it has been changed.

                            I like Clear Accept, but just wish we hadn’t been rushed into it.
                            I have a SD support ticket raised for this. I got a response this morning.....

                            The issue raised was added by Clear Accept to their product backlog which basically means they will address the problem in a future update of their software. They do not give a time scale. Once we have more information, I shall pass it on.
                            I suggest that other people raise similar tickets to add some weight to the request.
                            Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
                            SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
                            Based in rural Northants

