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SellerdeckPay - Order Adjustments Problem

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    Its frightening they are removing all other modern card payment options from sellerdeck to leave us with this one.

    If it was a good option it would be taken up without the need to remove any competition.

    Hopefully they can reconsider this restrictive decision and allow their customers to continue using more versatile pre-existing payment methods.

    Ecommerce is about making the buying experience fast and simple not slow and complicated requiring back and forth emails and adjustments being the customers burden.

    Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland


      Dear Martin, point #15, that is not good if the tick box does nothing. Likewise I had amended code for customer about ticking the box. Possibly linked to if there is a Customer Accounts but we don't use them. I can see that there is a new Knowledgebase article on a workaround. I can't think of a more laborious and longwinded and prone to error workaround quite frankly. Different system, time consuming, needs multiple points of pick up from the order processor. Not sure what to do.


        So our method has been working, with the customer given approval method:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	2023-09-01_12-33-39 - sd quote.png
Views:	86
Size:	43.8 KB
ID:	556643

        until today... I get this when trying to charge the extra amount:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	2023-09-01_12-32-15 - extra amount problem.png
Views:	140
Size:	19.5 KB
ID:	556642

        And on this forum... less than 24 hours ago, there is this post on the forum:


        Click image for larger version

Name:	2023-09-01_12-39-19 - sd forum quote.png
Views:	91
Size:	19.0 KB
ID:	556644

        I hope our problem today is just a glitch... (waiting on support)

        Otherwise has Sellerdeck nerfed the original method... and now advertise this new one?

        What used to be a 1 click on the new amount to commit the payment... had :

        1st turned into : customer needing to approve... then we had to make a few more clicks to make the extra payment
        (not to mention it is no longer 1 invoice = 1 payment = extra work for reconciliation)

        now turned into : setting up email template, sending customer a pay-by-link... wait for customer... and what else?

        1 click was good... this is so bad

        When I queried about the removal of card payments on Paypal... the response was:

        The main objective is to be able to offer customers an in-house, better supported, and developed payment product, rather than spreading resource across different ones (AmazonPay, Opayo, NMI, PayPal etc)
        developed payment product
        = pay-by-link method = it's a joke right?... someone was paid to make that up?... just seems crazy to me.


          Oh Dear, that is not looking good. Am concerned that this is now not working as a method. The pay by link method as a work around seems a very bad idea. My customers base will not like random emails out of the blue asking for more money, that is a good way to lose customers in my opinion and we would not implement it because of reputational risk. Order adjustments by customers are a very, very common occurrence for us.


            Update: Support is looking into this

            I've not had a chance to make more adjustment charges, but I did try against my old test order a few months back, and that seems to work
            - need a more recent order to verify (avoiding creating a new one using my card as there are so many Sellerdeck charges and refunds)

            Another difference to consider is this order is for overseas and not UK (overseas card vs UK card)


              Found the cause... it's to do with the address containing odd characters

              I had "å" and "æ" and replaced with "a" and "ae" = no error.
              another order I had "É" and replaced with "E"

              Have to replace in both the invoice & delivery address.
              (replacement one or the other still gave the error)

              Hunch on "overseas"

              This method still works (thank goodness)


                Originally posted by DavidCP View Post
                Oh Dear, that is not looking good. Am concerned that this is now not working as a method. The pay by link method as a work around seems a very bad idea. My customers base will not like random emails out of the blue asking for more money, that is a good way to lose customers in my opinion and we would not implement it because of reputational risk. Order adjustments by customers are a very, very common occurrence for us.
                I have a support ticket open with ClearAccept and waiting for a response.

                I had a customer who needed to make an exchange with an additional £9 to pay for the replacement and we agreed that I could try the work around to check this out.

                The customer then texted me and suggested that I just raise an invoice for the additional amount using PayPal, so I did this and the payment was duly settled and I was able to transfer the amount (less PayPal fees) direct into our bank account immediately - simple, quick and effective for customer's with PayPal account email addresses.

                I cancelled my request to open an account for the Pay by Link method because on reflection it did seem crazy to be offered a convoluted work around that involves setting up another separate account type with ClearAccept for the purpose of making adjustments that are over the order amount.

                Please Sellerdeck / ClearAccept offer a solution for these adjustments to be incorporated within the Pay by ClearAccept process.

