I have recently moved to a new PC on Vista Home Premium, with the hope of uploading a great many digital download files in one go over a number of days. I'm not overly computer savvy I'm afraid, but every time I come in in the morning the computer has stopped with an "FTP error occurred" message, either a timeout or "a connection to the server could not be established" message.
The upload seems to work fine for a number of hours during the day and then (normally when I'm not there to do anything about it) the server connection drops, halting the upload and turning an already long job into an endlessly tortuous one. I should also say that when I get in in the morning, the internet connection is down too - is this a server problem, a firewall problem, an actinic settings problem or is my computer just going out of its way to ruin my life?
I've been refreshing the site with the 'exclude unchanged digital download files and images' box checked. When the refresh hits the 'sending base files' I get an "FTP error changing directories to /customer/chemikal" message which, after I click retry, becomes...
"An FTP error occurred. Error: The connection with the server was terminated abnormally". Clicking retry again resumes the refresh which then seems to continue as normal.
I should also mention that my Network Test seems to work fine apart from a message that says...
"If you have never uploaded your catalog to the web site, try a 'CGI Script ID Number' of 2. If you have already uploaded your catalog at least once, ignore this message."
I've chosen to click OK and ignore the script id change, resulting in a successful network test.
Help appreciated and apologies for the rambling nature of the query...
The upload seems to work fine for a number of hours during the day and then (normally when I'm not there to do anything about it) the server connection drops, halting the upload and turning an already long job into an endlessly tortuous one. I should also say that when I get in in the morning, the internet connection is down too - is this a server problem, a firewall problem, an actinic settings problem or is my computer just going out of its way to ruin my life?
I've been refreshing the site with the 'exclude unchanged digital download files and images' box checked. When the refresh hits the 'sending base files' I get an "FTP error changing directories to /customer/chemikal" message which, after I click retry, becomes...
"An FTP error occurred. Error: The connection with the server was terminated abnormally". Clicking retry again resumes the refresh which then seems to continue as normal.
I should also mention that my Network Test seems to work fine apart from a message that says...
"If you have never uploaded your catalog to the web site, try a 'CGI Script ID Number' of 2. If you have already uploaded your catalog at least once, ignore this message."
I've chosen to click OK and ignore the script id change, resulting in a successful network test.
Help appreciated and apologies for the rambling nature of the query...