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webfusion & CGI

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    webfusion & CGI

    Dear All,

    I have been through all the threads and tried everything I can see.

    I have webfusion starter linux with 2 sites and they upload fine but when you add anyhing to the cart you get an internal server error.

    Try (book online)

    When you run the test in network settings you get the "the cgi-bin directory doesn't exist or you don't have write permissions"...cgi-bin set to 755 acatalog set to 777.

    attached are the settings.

    strangely I have one other site on the same hosting package which works fine ....i exported the settings from it and changed the required but no joy.

    I logged the call with webfusion and got no solution....back to actinic they say.

    I have put up with this for a year which has cost...I ordered a new hosting package this week in the believe it could be a strange hosting problem (with www.wightcycle) but I get exactly the same problem.

    Any thoughts welcome!
    Attached Files

    Have you manually checked the permissions per the error message with your ftp client?


      FTP settings

      Hi..yes I have checked them with Cute FTP and reset them...many times


        Hi John

        when they replied did they state whether or not they had a standard reset on the CHMOD values?

        I know of some hosting co's (who will remain nameless ) who will let you CHMOD to 777 but within 20 mins it resets to a default value of lesser permissions.

        Failing that, have you run the network wizard successfully. I know you have uploaded, but when it runs a test on your cgi-bin it could highlight an issue.

        And yup, 500 is 99.9% of the time caused by permissions as summised correctly.

        Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
        Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


          Running Wizard

          When I run the wizard it gets to the point where you specify the cgi-bin and acatalog directory and I get the error message "error occured while sending HTTP request to the web server, the network may be down etc..." it isn't down because I can continue to upload the site without any problem.

          With reagrd to the permissions when you look at the existing permissions they are set as they should be...I keep trying a reset just I don't believe they are being reset to any other default value by webfusion.


            The wizard you are referring to is to configure the website. Have you tried a network test after this? (Network Setup - Test)


              shot in the dark

              Have you tried changing PATHFROMCGITOCATALOG ../public_html/acatalog/
              to ../acatalog/?
              Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
              Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


                There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of people using webfusion successfully. It must be something silly somewhere. Which package have you got with webfusion and is it Windows or Linux?


                  Compare with these settings:


                    Originally posted by leehack
                    lets hope not...
                    Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                    Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


                      Answers to Various

                      Linux Fusion starter
                      when I run test I get the CGI-bin does not exist or cam't be written to error
                      I tried changing path to../ joy

                      I agree I was running this site very happily on webfusion servers, I changed to a newer cheaper package they had which had all the same features I was on already (they will never tell you when they decrease prices)...I ordered the new one tried to upload with exactly the same settings and the problems started. I have had it like this for a year but have been too busy to look at it before. I thought too it was something very simple so I ordered another hosting package (same web fusion starter linux) for another of my domains (wightcycle) thinking it was something wrong somewhere with the hosting...having uploaded I now get exactly the same problems on both wightcyclehire(the original) and wightcycle bought this week.

                      As I said earlier I have another site eatwight...also actinic on the same package (Linux Fusion starter) which works fine...I have exported the settings from this to both the others, changed the domain names passwords etc and no joy.

                      It is very puzzling but it most be something very simple!


                        Check settings with jpeg2

                        Hi thanks for this but I have already been throgh this and my settings are identical.

                        Some other posts I have seen...sometimes relating to 123-reg hosting (same company)

                        Norton firewall...not sure how this can effect the website but if it can I will cahage it (thoughts...)

                        Unique CGI Script ID number ....set to 1 currently...I have changed it to a number of settings but no change...I'm not sure how this effects things....too technical for me!


                          From what you are saying it appears there is a difference between the 'new' starter package and your original starter package. I presume you have multisite - if so then perhaps try to upload another site (in Test Mode with a different script ID) on the domain that is working.

                          It seems to be pointing to the hosting package - can you try an upgrade with money back or something to see if it works on the next package up or something along those lines?


                            appears there is a difference between the 'new' starter package and your original starter package
                            There is no difference - I have just set up a site this morning with the exact same package so its something at the posters end. I never use the wizard with webfusion as it usually fails so I set them up manually with the same settings as those I have already posted on the forum.


                              Rural Web Settings

                              Malcolm....are your settings the same as those posted earlier in the thread?

                              If not where can they be found?

                              Could you possibely export the working settings and send them to me via email?



