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UKFast: I can't upload site

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    sorry for late reply but just seen this thread

    I went for a dedicated server with UKFast last month, bu unfortunatly at home at present so unable to send network settings

    One stupid thing I did when first started was to upload the site to the root directory using the domain address rather than the site address. you need to type in the domain name to get to the site area and cannot do that untill the move has been propergated to the world

    I found UKFast help first class and support on three rings as promissed

    If you still have problems then will forward network settings on monday
    Chris Ashdown


      Hi Chris
      I've been considering a dedicated server with UKFast - at present I have a shared one.
      I must say up until now I haven't had an issue with the speed of my sites - in fact they're always lightening fast.
      May I ask why you decided to go dedicated.
      Also, how much are they charging? They don't post their prices and I can't be bothered with asking them yet as I'm not quite ready for a dedicated server!

      I can also vouch for their very good support and answer on 3 or 4 rings.
      Kind Regards
      Sean Williams

      Calamander Ltd


        Hi sean

        Think it is £1200 per year but dont have the paperwork at home

        Running 7 sites so looking for security and performance. Intend running one main site and two small sites from server when 9.0.3 comes out and then maybe another server for the 2nd largest and the other 3sites, but this would be with another company just to reduce the risk of all sites being down at the same time

        Funny thing is I was known on here as a real skinflint for a number of years, but it's only when you get to a certain size turnover I guess, that you realise how little these costs are in the scheme of things. It just seems staff are the major bugbear both financially and problematicaly
        Chris Ashdown


          Thanks Chris.
          Did you consider Memset at all? I'm impressed by their reputation, but a bit nervous about Virtual Servers. Don't know why - I have no justification for this
          Something I keep meaning to ask you Chris - about your multi-domain implementation having separate sites for each type of product.
          We're doing a similar thing (another two sites going up shortly) but we also need to amalgamate all the products onto our 'Main' site.
          How have you got around the SEO issues of duplicate contact and inter-site links coming from the same server/IP address?

          Kind Regards
          Sean Williams

          Calamander Ltd


            Funny thing is I was known on here as a real skinflint for a number of years, but it's only when you get to a certain size turnover I guess, that you realise how little these costs are in the scheme of things.
            To me this is a very typical situation.

            When we all set out in business we are very mindful of start up costs and have to consider every pound of expenditure very carefully as it is either a pound for your pocket or a pound of debt. But after a while as turnover increases those pounds become numbers. It is when you reach this stage that it is much easier to make good business decisions based on the numbers rather than emotion.

            thats my opinion/experience anyway.


              Originally posted by Sean Williams View Post
              Thanks Chris.
              Did you consider Memset at all? I'm impressed by their reputation, but a bit nervous about Virtual Servers. Don't know why - I have no justification for this
              Something I keep meaning to ask you Chris - about your multi-domain implementation having separate sites for each type of product.
              We're doing a similar thing (another two sites going up shortly) but we also need to amalgamate all the products onto our 'Main' site.
              How have you got around the SEO issues of duplicate contact and inter-site links coming from the same server/IP address?

              Never considered any other company except rackspace and ukfast

              We started the other way we made the main site and then made copies of the products for the secondary sites

              At present we have all sites on seperate servers and no problems but may use seprate ip address when on dedicated server

              I do have a feeling that duplicate sites must be very similar for seo to give a problem, but have no proof of this (so many people have their own idea of what effects seo who really knows apart from mr google)
              Chris Ashdown


                Hi Chris,
                I am still having problems however that is because since my last post I left it with Actinic support, which has yelded no results as yet.

                I would interested to see your network settings.

                I have managed to upload where I want to just no merge file as yet, so not complete.

                I have set the site up in the cp panel but I haven't pointed the domain there yet offically.

                To view the site (which i can do), using the correct domain name but without pointing the domain worldwide, I have edited settings on my pc to look for any request to only at the ip address of the new server.
                UKFast taught me how to do this and it works perfectly. That way I can look at the site as if it were live (using normal domainnames) but it is in effect only live on my pc and not the rest of the world.
                I have also allowed cgi-bin directories to be setup anywhere under the public_html directory

                Hope this info can help you understand my current setup.
                Many thanks
                Boxhedge New Media Design
                Design and development solutions for SME's.
                Tel: 0118 966 2786
                Examples of work can be found at


                  Thanks to all for your help.
                  Just a quick one to say it has now been resolved, but it was a complete nightmare, bouncing between support staff at actinic and ukfast (both of whom were very helpful, once I got the right people invloved).

                  All your ideas and examples were helpful even if only to make me realise I wasn't going bonkers and I could use them to eliminate possible causes.

                  In the end:
                  The solution was found here:

                  Basically whilst Actinic (+ my other ftp programs) tried to upload .pl in ASCII mode the server in fact ignored the request whilst looking like it was accepting it. This meant that whilst all the perl scripts were uploaded they were corrupted during the upload and wouldn't run properly. All to do with linebreaks between windows and unix-based machines.

                  We found the problem once a few test scripts were uploaded and didn't run without parsing them through the "dos2unix" program. UKFast suggested this was the solution which of course it can't be with the way Actinic operates, I couldn't keep doing this so I gave them Sean's site as an example of a site that used Actinic and ran on their servers.

                  They found the thread and fixed the problem immediately.

                  Many thanks again, I have informed Actinic support of the eventual solution and a link to the original thread so that they might be able to use it to give to server providers if someone else comes to them tearing their hair out.


                  Boxhedge New Media Design
                  Design and development solutions for SME's.
                  Tel: 0118 966 2786
                  Examples of work can be found at


                    Hello Lee
                    glad to hear you've finally got things sorted out.

                    As I'm considering a UKFast dedicated server for next year, I'd be very grateful if you could either post or send me the network settings you ended up with.
                    Oh and also the names of the people at UKFast and Actinic that now know the answers with regard to this problem.

                    Kind Regards
                    Sean Williams

                    Calamander Ltd

