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Confirmation emails not received (mine and customer's)

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    Confirmation emails not received (mine and customer's)

    Advice appreciated

    I am testing V9 catalog, having successfully imported via snapshot my V6 webshop.

    I have looked through the forum and read all relevant posts I found.

    All appears to run OK, ordering via SSL, card or Paypal.

    BUT - no customer confirmation email is received - nor the "you have received an order since your last download" email

    The only email received is the "send receipt email copies to.." email

    The corrrect boxes are ticked in "Ordering Options"

    Network Setup Test works well, and sends the confirmatory email.

    I have refreshed the site - and have tried a new cgi-bin, and different script number - but with no success

    - and I have ensured that the "Done" button is clicked at the end of an order transaction

    Tips appreciated


    have you looked to see if there is anything reported in the error.err file?


      error file

      Thanks Jo - I believe there is a pointer here - see example message (of several) below - but I am not sure how to overcome.

      Error returned from SMTP server (4: Command RCPT User not local and relaying not permitted from you (

      Originally posted by pinbrook View Post
      have you looked to see if there is anything reported in the error.err file?


        Taken from a www search on the error message

        "16. What does it mean by "User Not Local; Relaying Not Permitted"? [ top ]

        You will receive this message when trying to send an e-mail without having configured to authenticate BEFORE sending. You should be able to overcome this error by checking your email client configuration and trying to send the message again."

        sounds like you need SMTP auth in actinic network settings.

        ie username/password and smtphostname

        what have you got in network settings?


          Network Settings

          Jo - I appreciate your taking time out for me

          In the network settings, I have SMTP Server =

          I do not have UserName and Password specified. But I have tried with these specified - same result

          This SMTP server option has been working on Actinic 6

          **In Network Setup test - I DO receive confirmation email to my box

          But as I said earlier, when orders are placed the only mail received is to the "copyee" of the order confirmation


          Originally posted by pinbrook View Post
          Taken from a www search on the error message

          "16. What does it mean by "User Not Local; Relaying Not Permitted"? [ top ]

          You will receive this message when trying to send an e-mail without having configured to authenticate BEFORE sending. You should be able to overcome this error by checking your email client configuration and trying to send the message again."

          sounds like you need SMTP auth in actinic network settings.

          ie username/password and smtphostname

          what have you got in network settings?


            Originally posted by davidrmoore View Post
            In the network settings, I have SMTP Server =
            Whos your host?
            Have you tried localhost instead of
            "If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions"


              Thanks - all OK now -

              Your assistance very much appreciated


              Originally posted by Chunkford View Post
              Whos your host?
              Have you tried localhost instead of

              Originally posted by Chunkford View Post
              Whos your host?
              Have you tried localhost instead of


                And the solution was.............. ?


                  could you please let us know how you sorted it as i am having the same problem at the moment
                  Paul McCluskey
                  Actinic V12 - Business Plus



                    i think the solution was to use localhost in network settings for SMTP

