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    Anyone know if the above server 'WAMP' can be used/setup to test Actinic sites locally before final upload etc. and if so how?

    yes it can but i do not know of any step by step instructions.

    If you cant do it then spend £30 and buy a dummy domain and hosting package and upload it to a live enviroment then all you need to do is change your network settings when your ready.


      You really only need the "A" of WAMP, i.e. the Apache bit. Then you also need Perl as this is what Actinic uses for the Cart, Checkout, etc. You also need an FTP server for Actinic to upload into.

      The Advanced Guide has an article "Installing a Standalone Demo on a PC" that walks you through installing exactly (and only) what's needed. There's even a troubleshooting section which may be useful when you're adding so many different things at once.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Originally posted by NormanRouxel View Post
        The Advanced Guide has an article "Installing a Standalone Demo on a PC" that walks you through installing exactly (and only) what's needed.
        I completely forgot about that, its been a few years


          I do that entire AG article from memory nowadays. Have installed the server setup twice this month already. Just had a re-read of the AG and see that it uses a more up-to-date WarFTPd than I use. Like the troubleshooting section. That will be very useful.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Thanks for that. I've followed the 'Advanced user Guide Stand Alone Demo', Perl, no problem, Apache, no problem, Warftpd, the latest version, nothing works, can't get it to work, link to any files etc. and uninstalling it proved a real pain! that's why I'm searching for an alternative set-up, if I could get Warftpd to work I wouldn't have a problem!! Any help here could prove useful.


              I'm afraid that telling us "can't get it to work" isn't giving us much to go on.

              Regardless of which server (WAMP, etc) you use you're going to need an FTP server for Actinic to upload into.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                UPDATE: Just uninstalled the ancient 1.67 WarFTPd that I use and installed War-FTPd.exe version:1,82,0,13 as per the Advanced Guide. Using Windows 7 Professional (on Windows 7, right-click the downloaded installation .exe and choose Run as administrator).

                No problems (although I did tweak the paths as my htdocs is not within Apache but on a separate data drive).
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  Originally posted by Michael J View Post
                  Thanks for that. I've followed the 'Advanced user Guide Stand Alone Demo', Perl, no problem, Apache, no problem, Warftpd, the latest version, nothing works, can't get it to work, link to any files etc. and uninstalling it proved a real pain! that's why I'm searching for an alternative set-up, if I could get Warftpd to work I wouldn't have a problem!! Any help here could prove useful.
                  what version of perl? it wont work with v5.10 max is v5.08


                    I'm using Perl (ActivePerl ) v5.10.1 on a local server with no problems. I think it's only 5.10.0 that's not safe.

                    Current version is 5.12 which should also be fine.
                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                      My problem was with 'warftpd' only.
                      To update the problem, installs apparently OK, it starts Ok, login on the connection properties screen OK, then, firstly the right facing green arrow is greyed out so can't click on that to proceed, however, have managed to get to the 'WarDaemonManager' screen and thence to 'User Manager' screen and that's it, the instructions state to click on FTP access which allows that then 'security' which should give me a top right panel populated with files etc. that's my problem, box is empty, no files or anything. Nothing I've tried has produced any files/directories.
                      Now, I've either made a complete c**k up or the prog' ain't working! I know, it's probably me, but advice would be appreciated.
                      The suggestion of a dummy domain and hosting is begining to seem a good idea, but then, I'd be giving up, wouldn't I?!!


                        OK, forget the last post, now managed to get 'Warftpd' working by NOT following the instructions!!
                        However, now uploaded my site but am getting error messages informing me that 'acatalog' contains unrecognised characters. Some pages work but the main store doesn't, any clues here? And where can I find these characters to change them etc?



                          You provide such vague information that it's hard to help. E.g. "am getting error messages". Where from and what are you doing when they occur? Actinic? Browser? O/S?

                          BTW - I have never installed WarFTPd V1.8 before (V1.6 has a completely different installation sequence and user interface). Had no trouble when following the Advanced Guide instructions.
                          Norman -
                          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                            Hi, Sorry about that, just a bit fed up with everything going pear shaped all the time. Warftpd now is working OK. Checked Apache set up and that's OK as instructed. Checked perl files but they aren't exactly as specified for example perl.exe ain't there but it is with a different name, and the registry entry doesn't tally up either so may be a problem, ran the test as instructed and get the error message in red as specified so something is working! The error messages are originally in Actinic as it uploads (contains invalid characters etc) and when I try to navigate the site in a browser I just get script error messages which I will run through and supply you with later. BTW, thanks for the help.


                              Originally posted by NormanRouxel View Post
                              I'm using Perl (ActivePerl ) v5.10.1 on a local server with no problems. I think it's only 5.10.0 that's not safe.

                              Current version is 5.12 which should also be fine.
                              Ah ha thats interest Norman as another thread around here said it was not working ho hum confusion reigns


