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extended information x

  • Editing Layouts in Extended Information Window

    Can anyone offer any advice onediting layouts in the Extended Information pop-up window?

    Mainly, I would like to add indents or padding to the text in the pop-up window as, at present, it is ranged hard left and could do with some padding around it for appearance.

    But it might...
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  • Extended information tick boxes disabled on V11 product pages


    Having upgraded to v11 a few weeks ago I have just noticed that within the Links tab on the product pages all the options to implement links from the product pages are greyed out.

    Most annoyingly on investigation here I see this is a known problem by Actinic and yet...
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  • antohind
    started a topic Extended Information

    Extended Information

    I am in the process of a website were I have a background image on the body of the site,

    If possible I want to stop the extended information page using this background the extended info page background needs to be white.

    where is the code to edit this,

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