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shipping x

  • Large international order showing without shipping

    Hi, had an order from Italy in excess of £700 however this was showing without postage. Have played about with test orders & it seems when the sub-total exceeds £700, the postage disappears. And depending on what is being ordered depends on when the shipping goes eg for some prods, the cut off seems...
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  • Upgrade Shipping

    Hi, just wondering if anyone has a solution to this issue or could point me in the right direction...

    We offered free 5-day delivery on all items with the option to upgrade delivery times to 48-hours (£3.95) or 24-hours (£6.95). I cannot see how to set this up on Actinic v10.
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  • v11 Shipping Options?

    Hi all,
    My clients are currently using v8 but have never been happy with the shipping options in that version.

    They ship globally and the shipping is weight based however ideally they would like to be able to provide free shipping on some products to some locations.
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  • spangle
    started a topic Shipping based on mileage

    Shipping based on mileage

    Hi all,

    I'd like to work out shipping costs based on mileage from our depot to the customers location as all of our deliveries will be by courier who will charge us by the mile.

    Does anyone have any experience of such a shipping method in Actinic?

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  • janimal
    started a topic Error modifying shipping Zone

    Error modifying shipping Zone

    Hi all,
    I need to create a shipping class for the USA which is currently defined in our Rest of the World Zone.

    So I have created a USA zone - hit apply
    Create the shipping class - hit apply

    However when I then try to remove USA from the ROW zone Actinic...
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    Last edited by janimal; 03-Dec-2010, 12:37 PM. Reason: typo

  • janimal
    started a topic Shipping & Checkout issues

    Shipping & Checkout issues

    Hi All,
    My client wishes to implement a free shipping option as well as the current postal and courier options (which are calculated by weight).

    However they have a number of products which cannot be shipped free as they require specialised refrigerated transport.
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