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Actinic Room 101.1

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    1) Actinic Stock Control (has that already been mentioned)
    2) MSN Messenger when using outlook express?
    3) Actinic VAT
    4) Actinic Shipping - restricting products to delivery methods
    5) Actinic Upgrade proceedure.

    You did say and 3 other things and unfortunately for the last couple of days these are my biggest winges



      lol Darren.
      Got a few problems with Actinic?

      What's the annoyance with MSN and Outlook Express?


        I dont use MSN, why does it start everytime? in my view its another drain on the resources of my system - Just a winge

        And yes a few minor irritations with actinic.



          I dont use MSN, why does it start everytime?
          there is a simple method to turn it off, it could be program defaults or what ever that thingy is called

          in desparation i navigate to the exe on PF and rename it, that stops the pesky thing in its tracks


            you can stop it from starting up automatically through the msn options..but, ironically, I believe you have to actually log into it to do that!

            Sneaky way of making you sign up!


              I dont use MSN, why does it start everytime?
              In MSN go to 'Tools | Options | General' and de-select 'Automatically run Windows Messenger when I log onto Windows'


                Originally posted by cdicken
                In MSN go to 'Tools | Options | General' and de-select 'Automatically run Windows Messenger when I log onto Windows'

                (Christopher cleverly skipped entering his Room 101.1 subjects, tending perhaps, to concentrate on more pressing matters)
                Football Heaven

                For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                  (Christopher cleverly skipped entering his Room 101.1 subjects, tending perhaps, to concentrate on more pressing matters)
                  That's a red rag to a bull there...

                  1) The old legacy themes (except a big merciless cull in the next version)
                  2) Bt Yahoo So-Called Broadband - OK service, but why install all the crap on your PC that you can't easily remove? Does anyone really need a Yahoo browser? No - no they don't.
                  3) People who talk through gigs.
                  4) Live Earth.
                  5) Patricia Hewitt.


                    Originally posted by cdicken
                    (except a big merciless cull in the next version)

                    Was that a Freudian slip? You love those themes I can tell.

                    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                      1. Upload times.
                      2. USB slots that go kaput 1 year and 1 day after you bought the bugger.
                      3. Any other sites that sell health and fitness supplements online (apart from mine of course)
                      Fitness for life!

                      DIFN - Doing nothing is not an option

                      The Supplement Warehouse - Bodybuilding & Fitness Supplements


                        Running the risk of getting another good kicking .... those that mentioned Actinic stock control, is it 1. The lack of real time stock control on the web site 2. The lack of two stage stock control - i.e. committed then (later) gone or other things (please specify)?



                          Originally posted by cbarling
                          Running the risk of getting another good kicking .... those that mentioned Actinic stock control, is it 1. The lack of real time stock control on the web site 2. The lack of two stage stock control - i.e. committed then (later) gone or other things (please specify)?

                          Chris, brave entry into the thread!

                          The lack of realtime certainly is an issue for us, however it's overcome, for the most part, by the Moleend stock control mole. Obviously realtime stock control is preferable all round though.

                          Our biggest problem seems to be that stock control within Actinic is erratic at best.
                          We've had prolonged problems with stock control on associated products, stock control when processing OFFline orders, stock control when adding orderlines to an existing order, stock control on multiple (duplicate) orders in the psp pending tab..I could probably go on..maybe someone else would be able to name more?

                          I'm constantly having to check my stock in Actinic against my held stock and it's often wrong for combinations of all the above reasons..

                          Ok, I'm done...just thought I'd better add my opinion while I could


                            My god Chris, you brave bugger!
                            Put a box on along with a crash helmet, i'm sure Tracey will take a shot, seems to be her most popular subject at the moment.

                            Many problems seem to stem from people wanting to work in different ways, which is always a nightmare with a boxed solution. Main issue that seems to crop up regularly is how stock is handled on PSP pending orders. You recently addressed a bug in this area, but this now provides a solution which all do not like.

                            I think that the main point to take is that stock control methods should not be decided by Actinic, let the site owner choose how they wish to handle it. If one person wants to handle a PSP pending stock change differently to another, they should ideally be allowed to do this.

                            It's hard to accept when you are using a out-of-the-box piece of software, that it cannot do exactly everything you want, i don't see how this will ever change, people will always want extra to what they have, but they will never want to pay for a custom solution.

                            EDIT: LOL told ya, beat me to it!


                              Originally posted by leehack
                              Put a box on along with a crash helmet, i'm sure Tracey will take a shot, seems to be her most popular subject at the moment.
                              Hey now!!
                              I was nice

                              if this new script fix for associated product max order quantities works...I'll be a happy camper!!

                              I might even not mention stock control for..... a week?


                                my main bugbear re stock control also ties in with components.

                                I want to set up a product once. ie create one teeshirt. then add colurs and have Actinic create the hidden products for red tshirt, blue tshirt, then i'll add my sizes, and again have actinic create the hidden red small tshirt, and the red, medium tshirt and so one.

                                Then i can go in an add stock levels to each item, weight for shipping and pricing

