The nav doesn't working when the nav item wraps and you click on the wrapped part. Is it beaacuse the 'active' style is too small? That nav really has to go.
Thanks for your comments on the new design - please keep 'em coming.
The overlaying LHS nav is unreadable on top of the text and images.
There is a bug in Internet Explorer which required a bit of code to fix it, but for some reason it doesn't always kick in correctly the first time you view the page. The result is that the style doesn't render correctly in the flyout menus. Refresh usually fixes this. If anyone can shed any light on this or suggest a way of fixing it, I will be forever in your debt...
More nested tables than an MFI Summer Sale
Actually there are only two levels in the new home page, which believe it or not is about three fewer than in the old one. Other pages have more. I will gradually reduce this, but a changeover to a completely css-based design would have been more work than we have the bandwidth for ATM.
i clicked on the blog and got taken to then couldn't get back to - irritating
I have changed that link to open a new window. I'm not sure if that will be less irritating, though, or just irritating in a different way...