This widget replaces the add to cart bounce page with an in-page add to cart confirmation and cart summary:

Please note: installation of this widget will apply significant changes to your site code. Should you encounter any problems following installation, you can restore your site to its original condition by following the steps under 'Removing the Widget' below.
Help with installaton is available from Sellerdeck. Contact your Sellerdeck Account Manager for more information if required.
***Important:*** This widget requires the 'Bounce page delay' to be 0 (zero), and is only compatible with the Shopping Mode 'Quantity on Product Page'. To install the widget, these must be the default settings in 'Design | Design Options | Shopping Mode'. You should not install this widget if any Section in your catalogue uses a Shopping Mode other than 'Quantity on Product Page'.
Installation and Use
Install the widget as described in ‘Finding and Installing a Widget’.
The widget adds several new settings to the 'Shopping Cart' tab in Settings | Site Options':

The appearance of the popup is controlled by the style definitions in the layout 'Add To Cart In Situ CSS Popup', in a new Library group 'Add To Cart In Situ' that is added by the popup.
The code for the popup itself is in the layout 'Add To Cart In Situ Template Popup', in the same Library group.
Help with the styling of the popup is available from Sellerdeck. Contact your Sellerdeck Account Manager for more information if required.
Removing the Widget
To remove the widget and restore the original behaviour:
The widget adds five new variables that enable you to control the behaviour of the popup: PopupDelay, PopupPosition, PopupShowProduct, PopupHeaderPlural, PopupHeaderSingular Variable Added.
The widget also adds:
The code changes made by this widget can be seen in the document that can be downloaded from here - Popup Add To Cart Code Changes.txt
NOTE: If your site has been created for you by a third party designer, and he has used widgets within the design, then you will need to also purchase a licence, It is a breach of contract if a licence is not purchased. If a licence is not prurchased, the widget will operate for a period of one month, after which it will be disabled.
Please note: installation of this widget will apply significant changes to your site code. Should you encounter any problems following installation, you can restore your site to its original condition by following the steps under 'Removing the Widget' below.
Help with installaton is available from Sellerdeck. Contact your Sellerdeck Account Manager for more information if required.
***Important:*** This widget requires the 'Bounce page delay' to be 0 (zero), and is only compatible with the Shopping Mode 'Quantity on Product Page'. To install the widget, these must be the default settings in 'Design | Design Options | Shopping Mode'. You should not install this widget if any Section in your catalogue uses a Shopping Mode other than 'Quantity on Product Page'.
Installation and Use
Install the widget as described in ‘Finding and Installing a Widget’.
The widget adds several new settings to the 'Shopping Cart' tab in Settings | Site Options':
- Popup Cart Content. The popup can include a scrollable list of all the products in the cart ("Full Cart"); or it can show only the product that was just added ("Product Added")
- Popup Cart Delay. You can set the number of seconds for the popup to remain on screen before it closes automatically. If you enter 0 (zero) then the popup will remain in view until the shopper closes it. Either way, the shopper can close it at any time by clicking the X icon.
- Popup Cart Header - Multiple Products. Defines what will appear in the header of the popup when there are multiple items in the cart. '%d' returns the number of items.
- Popup Cart Header - Single Product. Defines what will appear in the header of the popup when there is only one item in the cart.
- Popup Cart Position. You can choose to show the popup in the centre or top right of the screen.
The appearance of the popup is controlled by the style definitions in the layout 'Add To Cart In Situ CSS Popup', in a new Library group 'Add To Cart In Situ' that is added by the popup.
The code for the popup itself is in the layout 'Add To Cart In Situ Template Popup', in the same Library group.
Help with the styling of the popup is available from Sellerdeck. Contact your Sellerdeck Account Manager for more information if required.
Removing the Widget
To remove the widget and restore the original behaviour:
- Find the entry for the widget in the ‘Widgets’ tab, and click the ‘Installed’ button.
- Click ‘Download Backup’ and save the backup file.
- Import the backup file using the same method as installing a widget. This will restore all of your files and layouts to the state they were before the widget was installed - preserving any pre-existing and subsequent customisations.
The widget adds five new variables that enable you to control the behaviour of the popup: PopupDelay, PopupPosition, PopupShowProduct, PopupHeaderPlural, PopupHeaderSingular Variable Added.
The widget also adds:
- One new layout type, 'Add To Cart In Situ'
- Two new layout selectors, 'AddToCartInSituTemplate' and 'AddToCartInSituCSS'
- Two new layouts, 'Add To Cart In Situ Template Popup' and 'Add To Cart In Situ CSS Popup'
The code changes made by this widget can be seen in the document that can be downloaded from here - Popup Add To Cart Code Changes.txt
NOTE: If your site has been created for you by a third party designer, and he has used widgets within the design, then you will need to also purchase a licence, It is a breach of contract if a licence is not purchased. If a licence is not prurchased, the widget will operate for a period of one month, after which it will be disabled.