Product images
Recommended image sizes
The recommended sizes for content images for use with the Swift templates are:
If you have a larger version of the main product image, you can select it as 'Zoom Image 0' in the 'Zoom Images' tab of the product details. This will automatically enable image zooming using Magic Zoom Plus. You can also add a Title for the image, which will appear beneath it at full zoom:

In this case, hovering over the product image will open a window on the larger image – either beside or in place of the original, depending on the screen width.

Clicking the product image will display the zoom image in full, with the title text if added. (This behaviour overrides the setting for 'Product Image Link to Extended Information Page' setting in the 'Links' tab of the Product Details)

Multiple product images
If you have more than one image for a product, you can select the others as Zoom Image 1, 2 etc. Up to 10 images are supported.
Additional images will appear as thumbnails beneath the main image, and can be selected by clicking them. The zoom behaviour will operate on whichever image is selected.

Image settings
A number of configuration options are provided for multiple images and image zoom. These may be found in 'Settings | Site Options | Zoom Images Control'.
For information about the individual settings, please refer to the contextual help for each one, or the 'Variable Reference' section at the end of this document.

Filtering of search results
Swift enables search results to be filtered in the same way as Sections:

IMPORTANT: for filtering by Property, you MUST choose ‘Filtered Search Checkbox Swift’ and the HTML Representation. No other option is currently supported
Social media
Swift replaces the social media badges in earlier Sellerdeck themes with new colour-changeable badges in the footer.
It also adds badges for Instagram and LinkedIn.

To include links to your Instagram and / or LinkedIn page, enter your user name for the relevant service(s) in 'Site Options | Social Media'.

Continue to 'Instructions for use - Part 2' >
Recommended image sizes
The recommended sizes for content images for use with the Swift templates are:
- Company logo image and Brochure logo image (shown in the header area) - the maximum recommended size is 260px X 100px
- Section image (shown in subsection pages) - 260px X 210px
- Product image (shown in the product page) - 260px X 220px
- Thumbnail image (shown in the shopping cart) - 50px X 50px
If you have a larger version of the main product image, you can select it as 'Zoom Image 0' in the 'Zoom Images' tab of the product details. This will automatically enable image zooming using Magic Zoom Plus. You can also add a Title for the image, which will appear beneath it at full zoom:
In this case, hovering over the product image will open a window on the larger image – either beside or in place of the original, depending on the screen width.
Clicking the product image will display the zoom image in full, with the title text if added. (This behaviour overrides the setting for 'Product Image Link to Extended Information Page' setting in the 'Links' tab of the Product Details)
Multiple product images
If you have more than one image for a product, you can select the others as Zoom Image 1, 2 etc. Up to 10 images are supported.
Additional images will appear as thumbnails beneath the main image, and can be selected by clicking them. The zoom behaviour will operate on whichever image is selected.
Image settings
A number of configuration options are provided for multiple images and image zoom. These may be found in 'Settings | Site Options | Zoom Images Control'.
For information about the individual settings, please refer to the contextual help for each one, or the 'Variable Reference' section at the end of this document.
Filtering of search results
Swift enables search results to be filtered in the same way as Sections:
- The settings that control how search results may be filtered are in 'Settings | Search and Filtering Settings | Site Search':
- Check 'Allow Searching by Sections' to enable filtering by catalogue Section
- Enable filtering by any other Property by adding it to the list. Both Attributes and Variables are supported.
IMPORTANT: for filtering by Property, you MUST choose ‘Filtered Search Checkbox Swift’ and the HTML Representation. No other option is currently supported
Social media
Swift replaces the social media badges in earlier Sellerdeck themes with new colour-changeable badges in the footer.
It also adds badges for Instagram and LinkedIn.
To include links to your Instagram and / or LinkedIn page, enter your user name for the relevant service(s) in 'Site Options | Social Media'.
Continue to 'Instructions for use - Part 2' >