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SellerdeckPay powered by ClearAccept

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    SellerdeckPay powered by ClearAccept

    SellerdeckPay powered by ClearAccept is an embedded payment product with everything you need to start selling.

    For more information about SellerdeckPay, visit

    If you use SellerdeckPay on your Sellerdeck store and customers select payment by card, your customers will be able to enter their credit card details securely within the checkout.

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    The details are then checked and processed securely, and you will then be able to download details of the payment when you download the order.

    Also, you can use SellerdeckPay when you take orders over the telephone. When you click 'Confirm' on the 'New Order' tab or when you complete the 'New Order' wizard you will be taken online to a screen where you can enter and validate the customer's card details.

    In addition to this there are some useful extra features:-
    • You can commit pre-authorised payments via the click of a button.
    • You can carry out refunds from within Sellerdeck.
    • You can void any incorrect transactions straight away.
    • Logged-in customers can save cards for later re-use.

    To select SellerdeckPay:
    1. Go to 'Business Settings | Payment and Security'.
    2. Click the '+' at the top left of the Payment Methods grid.
    3. Select 'SellerdeckPay by ClearAccept' from the list. This will add SellerdeckPay for your website, and also enable it for telephone orders.
    4. Click 'Configure Method'.

    You will see this screen: -

    Click image for larger version

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    The settings within this screen are explained below:
    Field Meaning
    Web Site Description The way SellerdeckPay will be described online (or when adding a new order).
    Provider SellerdeckPay's name.
    Pre-authorise transactions This option reserves the funds on a credit card without actually taking the money. The amount of the transaction will be removed from a customer's available credit limit.
    Once you have shipped the goods, you can then click the 'Commit' button in the 'Payments' tab of the order to take the payment.
    Charge transactions immediately This option charges the credit card immediately.
    Merchant ID This information will be in the registration details you received from SellerdeckPay.
    Merchant Site ID This information will be in the registration details you received from SellerdeckPay.
    Transact API Client ID This information will be in the registration details you received from SellerdeckPay.
    Transact API Secret Key This information will be in the registration details you received from SellerdeckPay. See Note below.
    Vault API Client ID This information will be in the registration details you received from SellerdeckPay.
    Vault API Secret Key This information will be in the registration details you received from SellerdeckPay. See Note below
    Setup API Client ID This information is for use with Apple Pay and will be in the registration details you received from SellerdeckPay.
    More details are given in the article here: Setting up Apple Pay by ClearAccept.
    Setup API Secret Key This information is for use with Apple Pay and will be in the registration details you received from SellerdeckPay.
    More details are given in the article here: Setting up Apple Pay by ClearAccept.

    Configuring SellerdeckPay by Clearaccept

    Before beginning ensure that 'Run in Test Mode' is NOT selected on as this is not configured for SellerdeckPay by ClearAccept. Make sure that 'Run in Production Mode' is selected

    1. Copy and paste the Merchant ID and Merchant Site ID shown in your welcome email into the corresponding fields in the configuration box.
    2. Enter the Transact API Client ID into the corresponding field in the configuration box.
    3. Your API credentials are obtained by clicking individually on the links within your welcome email.
    so you must be ready to paste each item immediately into Sellerdeck Desktop or somewhere appropriately secure. The links will expire after 30 days so if you aren’t ready to set up SellerdeckPay by ClearAccept, follow them now and make a note of the secret key in a secure location.
    Click the first link in the list within the welcome email to view the Transact API Secret Key. Follow the instructions to copy it to the clipboard. Then paste it into the corresponding Transact API Secret Key field in the Configuration box, also it would be wise to store it in your password management system as you will not be able to use the link again.

    4. Enter the Vault API Client ID into the corresponding field in the configuration box.
    5. Follow the procedure in step 3. to copy and pasted the Vault API Secret Key.
    6. Click ‘OK’ or ‘Apply’ to save the credentials in Desktop.

    If you get a message saying “This note is not available” when you follow a link for the first time, then someone else has used the link. If there is a 404 error then the link has expired because it’s over 30 days from when they were created.

    In this case please get in touch with us through the normal support channels to arrange for new API Secret Keys to be generated. See for more information.

    Click 'OK' when done. You can now upload your store and test your SellerdeckPay installation.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: The 'Transact API Secret Key' and 'Vault API Secret Key' are only available once, via the one-time links supplied within your welcome email. The links will expire after 30 days so if you aren’t ready to set up SellerdeckPay by ClearAccept, follow them now and make a note of the secret key in a secure location.

    The secret keys will be displayed once these links are clicked. There is a 'Copy Note' button which should copy the secret keys to the clipboard, you can then paste it into a plain text editor such as 'Notepad'. Once you have done this, you can then cross-check that the copy has worked and the secret keys match those on the screen.

    We would recommend that the secret keys are stored in the your normal secure password repository, e.g. a facility such as 'Roboform', 'Nordpass', 'Bitwarden' etc.

    DO NOT use the Notepad file that you used to validate the keys. If you do not have a secure password repository, it would be good practice to get a password manager, there are many available and storing the keys will mean you can re-enter them if something happens to the software.

    Once you have set up SellerdeckPay, you will see some extra options on the main 'Payment and Security' panel. These are:
    Field Meaning
    Auto-delete PSP-pending Orders Sometimes an order will be downloaded without a corresponding payment. This happens when a payment is declined or a customer abandons the 3DS check
    These orders automatically go into the 'Pending Payment Service Provider' tab in the orders area. Select this box if you want to also mark them to be deleted after a set time period.
    Purge on Delete Select this box if you want to permanently remove the deleted orders from the orders area.
    Expiry Period Enter the number of days that you want to hold onto orders that have come down without a corresponding payment.
    Unless agreed in writing that payment in other currencies may be accepted, all transactions must be in GBP Sterling.

    Using SellerdeckPay

    For your online customers, SellerdeckPay will work like any standard payment service.
    1. They will select 'Credit or Debit Card' from the payment method list online (but you can re-word this to something else).

    2. They will enter their payment details which will be validated securely online.
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    3. On completion of the order the customer will be shown a receipt.

    4. The order will then come down with the details of the payment (but not the credit card number) and you can process it within Sellerdeck Desktop.

    If you are using the 'New Order' tab/wizard to take orders over the telephone then you can transmit the payment details to SellerdeckPay while the customer is on the phone

    .Click image for larger version  Name:	Image4.png Views:	0 Size:	4.4 KB ID:	555853

    1. Simply select the 'Credit Or Debit Card' option from the list in the 'Payment' box. You might have called this something else.

    2. Click 'Confirm' on the 'New Order' tab (or complete the 'New Order' wizard), and you will be taken online to your site to enter the payment details.

    3. You can then enter the customer's card details straight into SellerdeckPay.

    Initially, the order will be placed within the 'Pending Payment Service Provider' tab in Sellerdeck. You will download the payment details the next time you download orders from the website, and the order will be moved to the standard 'Pending' tab.

    All the payment details will be visible online via the ClearAccept Portal at

    To view the Sellerdeck Desktop order number in the list of Authorisations or Transactions, use the Settings wheel at the right to show the available columns, and ensure that Merchant Transaction ID is selected. Save the View.
    You can use the search facility to find Sellerdeck Desktop order numbers.

    Commits, Refunds and Voids

    There are also some useful buttons within the 'Payments' tab of the order for handling payments taken with SellerdeckPay.Click image for larger version  Name:	image9.png Views:	0 Size:	1.5 KB ID:	555859
    Note: The 'Commit', 'Refund' and 'Void buttons will not be active if SellerdeckPay is in 'Test Mode'.
    Button Description
    Commit If you have set your payments to be pre-authorised (see above for details) you can 'Commit' the payment by clicking this button.
    This means that the money will actually be taken from the customer's account.
    Refund Click this button if you want to refund the payment.
    Void If you've very recently processed a pre-authorised payment incorrectly (i.e. that day) you can click this button to cancel it. It then won't show up on the customer's card statement.
    Pay Click this button if you need to add an additional payment onto the order, or the customer has supplied an alternative card and you need to re-submit the payment.
    Admin The Admin offline button is not enabled for SellerdeckPay.
    SellerdeckPay Help Opens the help file.

    Note: Any commits, refunds, voids or payments made via these buttons will show up on the online ClearAccept Portal immediately.

    Subsequent Payments

    For customers with accounts, SellerdeckPay makes it very easy to take a subsequent payment from the same customer using the same card. Buyers can choose whether or not to allow their card details to be stored whether for the same order or a new one.

    If a non-account customer chooses to save their card details at the checkout, and if items are later added to the same order, then the same card can be used to take an additional payment. It will not be available to use for new orders from the same customer.

    If you take an offline order for an existing customer using their account details, then the customer’s previously used card(s) are offered among the payment methods.

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    Security Checks

    When you click the 'View Payments' button, you will be able to see more details about the transaction, including the results of any security checks.

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    You'll see the 'Commit', 'Refund', 'Void', 'Pay' and 'SellerdeckPay Help' buttons are here as well.

    The four 'Security Checks' give you a guide of how reliable the payment information provided by the customer is. They will display the results of the checks as the bank returns them.

    The meaning of the results is below:
    Check Results
    Post/Zip Code
    Matched – The postal code supplied is valid
    Not Matched – The postal code entered doesn't match the details held for the customer, so there is an increased chance of this order being fraudulent.
    Not Verified – The postal code could not be verified.
    Address (AVS) Matched – The address supplied is valid.
    Not Matched – The address entered doesn't match the details held for the customer, so there is an increased chance of this order being fraudulent.
    Not Verified – The address could not be verified.
    Security Code (CV2) Matched – The CV2 number entered is valid.
    Not Matched – The CV2 code entered doesn't match the one held for the customer, so there is an increased chance of this order being fraudulent. Some banks will reject orders with incorrect CV2 numbers, even if you have just chosen to 'check' them rather than 'enforce' them.
    Not Verified – The CV2 code could not be verified.
    3D Secure – Enrolled Y – The customer has enrolled with a 3D Secure system.
    N – The customer has not enrolled with a 3D Secure system.
    U – Customer enrolment status could not be deterrmined.
    3D Secure – Result Y – authentication was successful.
    N – authentication failed.
    A – authenticated.
    U – unable to authenticate.
    R – authentication request was rejected.
    NOTE: If you have upgraded to v18.2.2. or later and have used the knowledgebase article 'How can I have information displayed on a page only for registered customers?', or if you have used the teqhnique detailed in the 'Advanced User Guide' called 'Hiding Elements from Retail Customers, but Showing Them to ALL Registered Customers', to hide the 'Add-To-Cart' button from customers without registered accounts, you will need to follow the procedure outlined here - 'After upgrading to v18.2.2 or later, my customers cannot place orders.' .
    Attached Files
    Last edited by G.W.Green; 03-May-2024, 03:41 PM.