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dw plugin something missing

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    As Simon, I'm on Studio 8 - Dreamweaver 8 and no problems!

    Location: North Yorkshire UK


      OK I've been wrestling with a similar problem before coming across this post.

      Have tried all the deleting extensions from DW8, including 'Actinic Assistant - Template Inspector', which now doesn't reinstall with the 8.5 upgrade downloaded the other day. Also tried reinstalling Actinic.

      However, this might throw some light (or, not) on the problem. I have 3 test sites on my local server. In DW the 'submit changes to Actinic' option does appear in the list. The only difference seems to be that 'submit changes' doesn't work when using an external design (greyed out). Half way through writing this I went back and switched a site using a registered external design to one of the default designs - and the submit changes button then worked. - Yes, the registered designs are in the main folder for respective sites.

      So, is this a glitch, or a user error?



        it seems the current 8.5 extension only installs actinic assistant and not the template inspector, that is just my assumption, as this is what is happenig to me over and over.
        my question still remains is it the template inspector that adds the option into dw8 actinic drop down "submit changes to actinic".

        ive got it down to a setup issue "conflict" with my pc,wich is by the way a 12 month old high speced viao very little software installed,,, as no one has any other sudgestions. will wait for the new pc and vista compatability before i continue with v8.
        Simbo thanks you in advance again

        Location: Jersey Channel Islands


          I can't confirm if the 'submit' is due to the template inspector - but I can confirm that I have both the dw plugins (per post 16 of this thread) and I do have the 'submit' button.

          Maybe someone else can confirm what they have...


            Are you seeing this in your extension manager?

            (macromedia | Extension Manager | Extension Manager.exe)

            (ignore my Sothink Widgets)
            Attached Files
            Simon Williams
            Actinic Designer v.


              hi simon

              that is the same extension i have installed, so as abouve its got to be caused by some other conflict on my personal set up.

              if yours is working fine with that extension alone, template inspector duncan has installed is surely not required, and a legacy of an earlier version.

              it would however be of great interest if any one else experiences this problem and we could compare set ups and look for a common factor..
              Simbo thanks you in advance again

              Location: Jersey Channel Islands


                The 'Template Inspector' is a red herring. That's just the DW plug-in that was available with v5/6/7 which would allow you to open a preview page in Actinic and then get at the templates that made it up.

                Simbo - I have no idea why you are having so much difficulty - but the fact that you have an Actinic menu - just no 'Submit changes to Actinic' option - does scream out that and old version of the DW extension has got locked into DW in some way.

                I have told you everything that could possibly fix it already - short of completely uninstalling and re-installing Dreamweaver - then downloading a brand new 8.5.0 and installing that over the top of your current one (don't worry - this will not change any data - just replace any missing files) and then trying to re-install the extension.

