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Email Problem - Only showing the first product

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    ftr, it didn't do it on the test orders I placed on my test site yesterday.
    I sent several order shipped emails and they came through with 3 orderlines, as they should.
    Will test again later though


      Hi Tracey,

      Is your 'test' site an upgrade from 8.5.1 to 8.5.2 ?


      Abc Baby Gifts
      Snuggle Feet
      Baby Casting From My Perfect Impression


        it is, Les, yes

        It's gone from 8.5.1HFUA to 8.5.2


          Since my emails used to go through without any problems until yesterday, I would imagine there is some mysterious trigger to cause the problem. As far as I can remember though, the only thing I've done to the website in the last few days is update the stock levels and download orders.

          My emails are missing stuff from the "order status" line and onwards, and then the text kicks in variably towards the end. It seems to vary with different emails.


            Can someone from Actinic please reply to this post ASAP. It's been over 3 days since I sent Bruce the snapshot and no reply from you.


            Abc Baby Gifts
            Snuggle Feet
            Baby Casting From My Perfect Impression


              ten to 5 on a Friday probably isn't the best time to ask for an Actinic response!


                That's a shame, not very good support. They have had the snapshop of over 3 days now.

                Since it looks like an Actinic bug I would have thought Actinic would have sorted this out ASAP.

                This has happened to me before, 8.5.2 fixed a few problems for me but then created a new problem, classic Actinic upgrade!


                Abc Baby Gifts
                Snuggle Feet
                Baby Casting From My Perfect Impression


                  Hi Les,

                  I was not in on Thursday or Friday but had my colleague working on the issue and following up with Development. Kiran sent you an email at 10.30 AM on Friday to let you know that Development were still looking into the issue.

                  The reason for the product names not showing was down to the presence of " " in the product names. There was a temporaty fix but not an ideal solution, hence was not passed on to you.

                  We now have a solution
                  edit and 
                  search and replace...
                  $value =~ s/(.*?)(\()(.{0,$::eRBDataLimit})(.*)(\))(.*)/$1$2$3$5$6/is;
                  $value =~ s/(.*?)(\<)(.{0,$::eABDataLimit})(.*)(\>)(.*)/$1$2$3$5$6/is;
                  if ($key !~ /TEXTDATA/i)
                   $value =~ s/(.*?)(\()(.{0,$::eRBDataLimit})(.*)(\))(.*)/$1$2$3$5$6/is;
                   $value =~ s/(.*?)(\<)(.{0,$::eABDataLimit})(.*)(\>)(.*)/$1$2$3$5$6/is;
                  Save the file and then update your site.

                  Kind regards.
                  Bruce King


                    Thanks Bruce, will try this in a bit.


                    Abc Baby Gifts
                    Snuggle Feet
                    Baby Casting From My Perfect Impression


                      I upgraded from 8.5.0 to 8.5.2 yesterday. I had the same email problem and several customer requests for clarification. I don't use " but I do use brackets in the product name.
                      I have just implemented and tested the patch and it works for me.


                        Yes I finally got the site re-uploaded last night and the emails seem to be going ok now, hooray! Thanks for the fix Bruce

                        I also don't use any " " in my product names so I'm not sure that that's the cause, although I do use brackets. Still not sure why the problem only kicked in after a few weeks of use either, but as long as it doesn't happen again I don't really care...


                          I have had exactly the same problem with truncated emails.
                          Interestingly, the automatic email showed all the products no problem, however, when I sent an email acknowledging the order, only some items showed. (Although the full list of items showed in the email edit window)

                          I have had brackets () in some of the product names, For instance - Eccles Cakes (2 pack) - and as soon as I took the brackets out - it worked fine!


                            email problem

                            I first noticed the same problem in December, just after the upgrade. I raised a query with the Support desk, who never got back to me. I telephoned again yesterday, and got fobbed off with the excuse that this problem was down to my SMTP server, not an issue for them, and to take it up with my ISP.
                            Now, the fact is, I can copy and paste the email preview text into outlook, and send that via my same SMTP server without error....
                            It's only when sent via Actinic's bespoke sendmail that there is a problem.
                            My ISP (Demon), have confirmed that there have been no changes to the SMTP setup and, in any event, the fact that the same mail content arrives intact when sent via Outlook proves that my SMTP server is not the problem.
                            So, it's back to "support" for the third time on Monday. I wonder if the next different person I speak to will fob me off with the same excuses........
                            skype chrisjlyon


                              why go back to support, Chris?
                              Bruce has posted a working "fix" in this thread



                                Thanks - just taken a look at it - I think it's brackets in my emails that are causing the truncation. I'll certainly implement the fix pdq.
                                It's somewhat frustrating that Actinic's own support team deny that there is a problem -especially as it's been fixed!!
                                Of course, until the latest upgrade, it wasn't broken...........hey-ho!

                                Having removed the brackets from my 'Company Phone Number' in the Business Settings, the truncation problem has now ceased, so may not need to apply the fix after all.
                                skype chrisjlyon

