Hi, just upgraded to V9 Business and would like to use the integrated PostCode Anywhere functionality. However I also use SAGE Line 50 and AFD have a SAGE postcode lookup plug-in, that I'm presently testing. Clearly I don't want to buy two address lookup licenses. In addition we take Sales Orders at Exhibitions (looking at Actinic EPOS too !) and we need , ideally, to be able to derive Customer addresses in the EPOS, via ADF / Postcode Anywhere, and both on and off line (Internet connections not always available at these places)
So my questions are;
- does anybody currently use AFD with Actinic Ecommerce and EPOS ? (couldn't see anything on knowledge base)
- as Actinic support links to SAGE Accounting, is there a way to use PostCode Anywhere with SAGE (I've already asked SAGE & PC Anywhere)
- How can I use the service if I'm offline ?
Can I buy / link to a database of codes as a backup, incase there are no connections at a Trade fair ?