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Sending customer update emails in Business v9 and relay access denied

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    in answer to your question, my outlook email account is set up (and always has been) with the following smtp address:-

    I have never had any problems sending emails from the email account.

    So, does this mean that TalkTalk have relaying enabled?


      Actinic doesn't send any emails from the PC, it uploads them to the server and sends them from there.

      Relaying is only required if the emails are being sent from the ISPs mail server which isn't the case here.



      Max, If you're getting cgi-bin permission errors then we should fix these first as it's possible that any changes aren't taking effect. Are your cgi-bin permissions set to 755?

      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        whats the email address under your business settings then. something somewhere is wrong as it thinks you are trying to send emails from an address other than your domain.

        After checking Mikes suggestion


          email address in Business Settings is set to :-

          there has been no change to this since I installed Actinic.

          How can I check what my cgi bin settings are set to?


            use an ftp client, log onto your server and check the chmod settings

            filezilla is one i always recommend, this should be 755 when you have uploaded actinic as it should do this for you but always worth a check


              Everything for my site was set up by the support team at Actinic. It was one of the conditions I made in purchasing the product.
              Checking the cgi bin is beyond me ..........


                LOL Max LOL


                  LMFAO - Thank you so much i can go home now.


                    set up by the support team at Actinic
                    DOOOOOH - then you should be talking to them


                      in an attempt to resolve my issues, FastHosts have changed my server.
                      This has obviously left me in a situation where I lost our present website. What do I need to do to get the site back up and live? It is just a case of "Publish to web"?

                      If it is, why am I receiving error messages regarding permissions?


                        Leave fasthosts before you do anything else. The worst host for actinic bar none. Choose a proven successful actinic host. Stacks of info on good hosts in the forum already and even more info on why you shouldn't use fasthosts.


                          Permissions on serevrs are often set to 644 be default. For actinic to run you need to set the permissions on the acatalog folder and cgi-bin to be 755.

                          Do you know if you're on a windows server or unix?


                          First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                            FastHosts are resetting the persmissions to the values that Actinic is specifying.
                            I am on a linux server.
                            What do I need to do now to get mysite up and live? Is it just a simple click on "publish to web" or is there more to it?

                            Appreciate everybodys comments on fasthosts. Changing hosting company is not somehting I can do overnight, so it obviously something that I need to research. In the meantime, I have to live with the decisions I have made in the past and stick with FastHosts and get this site back up and live ASAP.


                              In the light of probably 100 threads advising you to not use fasthosts. Nearly every single experienced actinic user would tell you to not use them either, but you are going to muscle on through, cos it will be different for you? I find that decision incredible tbh, what is the point of asking experienced people for advice if you do not listen.

                              There are at least 20 threads just like yours, convinced it will be different and rest assured they all leave fasthosts eventually too. It would take 20 mins to investigate who to use and a domain transfer can often be done in just an hour or two. Wise up and leave them, you will have to in the end anyway.

                              Good luck.

                              PS - a website|refresh is what you need to do.


                                do yourself a big favour and leave fasthosts. Contact jo at pinbrook and she will set it all up for you on her servers.

