Can I move the "Site1" directory location away from the actinic installation directory please ? - out of habit, I do NOT store changing DATA on my c-drive
if I get a c-drive failiure, then my data's gone - and yes, I do regular backups and observe all normall precautions and take backups of my DATA drive but don't bother much with the c-drive - after all, I can always re-install if the c-drive fails and occasionally a good clean out and re-install works wonders for windows.
if I get a c-drive failiure, then my data's gone - and yes, I do regular backups and observe all normall precautions and take backups of my DATA drive but don't bother much with the c-drive - after all, I can always re-install if the c-drive fails and occasionally a good clean out and re-install works wonders for windows.