Page per Product Site Redesign via Import?
I have been following this thread as I plan our site redesign. We have over 750 items and many of them are in the Product|Component|Attribute|Choice format. We also replace about 2/3 of this catalog every Spring and Fall! So it is a big development job and I need help with a couple design/development technique questions...
First, we want to adopt this thumbnail duplicates page/one product per page layout. I think I understand how to do that based on this and other threads but have not started building/testing yet. Can someone point out the difficulties I may have since we use the Components structure? Is there a better solution out there for handling our vast Product/Color selections?
We utilize stock tracking and have a great little solution for keeping stock current via an external link (and live with the Actinic problem of allowing orders of quantities greater than that set in the component).
Second, how elaborate can I get with importing this whole new product line? I have used importing quite a bit in the past but then needed to go in and build all the components/attributes/choices...VERY time consuming! We keep our master product catalog in an Access db and can tweak that now (before the fall items get keyed in) to allow a more "robust" flat file that might include the fields necessary for a more thorough import file...Meaning down to the duplicate and component|attribute|choice level.
Am I dreaming? And setting myself up for a major nightmare?
Should I just plan on manually building the structure after importing the base products? My goal is to simplify and expedite this catalog overhaul process that we perform twice a year.
Thank you in advance for your suggestions and feedback!
I have been following this thread as I plan our site redesign. We have over 750 items and many of them are in the Product|Component|Attribute|Choice format. We also replace about 2/3 of this catalog every Spring and Fall! So it is a big development job and I need help with a couple design/development technique questions...
First, we want to adopt this thumbnail duplicates page/one product per page layout. I think I understand how to do that based on this and other threads but have not started building/testing yet. Can someone point out the difficulties I may have since we use the Components structure? Is there a better solution out there for handling our vast Product/Color selections?
We utilize stock tracking and have a great little solution for keeping stock current via an external link (and live with the Actinic problem of allowing orders of quantities greater than that set in the component).
Second, how elaborate can I get with importing this whole new product line? I have used importing quite a bit in the past but then needed to go in and build all the components/attributes/choices...VERY time consuming! We keep our master product catalog in an Access db and can tweak that now (before the fall items get keyed in) to allow a more "robust" flat file that might include the fields necessary for a more thorough import file...Meaning down to the duplicate and component|attribute|choice level.
Am I dreaming? And setting myself up for a major nightmare?
Thank you in advance for your suggestions and feedback!