Hi, I have just set up our Actinic website a couple of weeks ago, every thing works fine. I have had requests from my customers if there is some way of having a quick order form where they can just type in the part number and quanity and go from there instead of searching through all the products and adding to cart then searching again and adding to cart so on and so on. If anyone knows if this can be done pritty easily please let me know. we are using Actinic business.
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Quick order form
Have not tried it, but I would imagine it is possible to create a compact product layout page, populated with product duplicates, and with a single add to cart button.Bill
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I should imagine that you will always have to go by the "Add to Cart" method. There might be a way around this.
If I needed customers to be able to search for a part number, I would just use the search which would bring it straight up. Althought it might not be exactly what you are looking for.
I requested this some time ago - V5 and been told it is being added to the wish list.
It still has not made it into the running yet, there is a number of problems and the main one is the way actinic uses the SID numbers, i have yet to find a work around but use the compact lines as a bodge.
This feature is common practice on most shopping cart software but alas i bet it aint in V8 either
Hi Darren,
At least I know Im not the only one that would like a feature like this, If an Actinic developer is reading this it would be a good little feature for the next relase (V8) or even an add on for V7 even better!
I use the RS Components website alot and they have a great quick order section on the home page, check it out and you see what I mean.
Cheers all
Quick Add to Cart Form using just the Product Reference.
I got interested and have managed to add this functionality to V7. It was quite a lot of work (another all-nighter) so I'll probably post it as "Donationware".
It may need some testing, so if someone would like to try it out first, please let me know.Norman - www.drillpine.biz
Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey
Hi, Darren
You simply drop a tiny form into your Act_Primary.html and use a new ShoppingCart.pl with extra functionality.
This has a Product Reference entry field, an optional quantity and an Add button.
Enter a ref, click Add and the chosen item is put into the Cart. You're left on the Show Cart page so you can Update, Continue or Checkout.
If you enter the wrong Ref you get a 3 second bounce page telling you the product cannot be found.
If you also put this form on the Checkout Primary template then you can sit on this page, adding products and watching the cart contents grow.Norman - www.drillpine.biz
Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey
Sounds good to me
how did you manage to get around the sid number issue.
If it is as easy as that then i would love to give it a try, i need to check to see if i have already made some changes to my ShoppingCart.pl, just want to make sure, think i did one to the discounts only showing at the bottom of the products in the cart?
The patch adds 2 new routines to ShoppingCart.pl. One looks up the SID, given the product reference (there's an unused routine at the bottom of Cart.pm that does just that), the other adds a new calling method to the Cart script that extracts the passed in ref and optional quantity, looks up the SID (displaying Not Found error if unknown Ref), then passes the data on to the Cart.
The patch is done as a ReadMe of 2 changes to make to ShoppingCart.pl (one small - one big). That way it isn't version specific and can be applied to patched scripts.
Note that you are only passing in a Product Reference and optional Quantity. There's no way to select Components, Choices, etc. All you get is the basic product added.Norman - www.drillpine.biz
Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey
Darren, Steve
If you contact me by email and give me the address of the site you want to test this on I'll send a copy.Norman - www.drillpine.biz
Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey
Very Interested in this
We would love to be a test site, willing to make a donation and would use it on www.nwbulb.com
Hi Rene
Use the email link to send me your email address and I'll send the patch for you to try.
That means I've got three test sites; which seems enough.Norman - www.drillpine.biz
Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey