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"Your shopping cart has expired" error - did anyone ever find a fix?

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    Originally posted by webD View Post
    Are they actinic sites?
    No they're just static html, not e-commerce.


      Originally posted by leehack View Post
      Lots of people use 1+1, i think the issue with them is that your package must be a certain package or higher. Info on this in the forum already, may be worth digging out and checking yours against this.
      Perhaps you need to follow this advice and see what's said about 1 and 1 and which packages work with Actinic and which don't. Sorry I've not been much help!

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        I did a check and it seems to be that 1and1 Business is OK. Thanks for your input Rich, and everyone else least now I feel that I've exhausted all the avenues.

        Last edited by Ben; 20-Feb-2009, 10:42 AM. Reason: Direct mention of competitor


          Originally posted by grantglendinnin View Post

          If you're sat adamant that the software is at fault, install Actinic from scratch on another machine if possible (or license a new site if using Actinic Business) and give the new site the same FTP details. Switch to Test Mode and play around with the site to see if you can re-create the issue with the test site. Presumably this would let you identify if the issue is with your server or within Actinic itself. That's how I'd diagnose the problem anyway.

          For what it's worth, my money is on the web host.
          Grant - I think I'll give this a try. Is there any way I can run Actinic in Test Mode without setting up the SSL? It's just that I only have access to SSL on 1and1. Thanks.


            If the SSL is for taking payment info on your site, you are 10 months out of date for PCI compliance and counting. Maybe this is a nudge in the right direction to get things sorted properly?


              Originally posted by leehack View Post
              If the SSL is for taking payment info on your site, you are 10 months out of date for PCI compliance and counting. Maybe this is a nudge in the right direction to get things sorted properly?
              Not sure I understand Lee...or maybe I should clarify what I'm trying to do...

              It's been suggested that I set up Actinic on another server (ie with another ISP) in Test Mode to see if I can replicate the fault. I can easily upload the site to another ISP that I use but they don't offer SSL facilities. What I'm asking is whether it's possible to run Actinic *in Test Mode only* on a server that doesn't have SSL.


                I understand what you are trying to do Bob, i'm asking why you need SSL. If it's for the reason I think it is, then maybe it is a blessing in disguise because your method of taking payments is out of date by almost a year now and you should ideally be looking to sort that area out ASAP.


                  Originally posted by leehack View Post
                  I understand what you are trying to do Bob, i'm asking why you need SSL. If it's for the reason I think it is, then maybe it is a blessing in disguise because your method of taking payments is out of date by almost a year now and you should ideally be looking to sort that area out ASAP.
                  Not sure what you're getting at Lee - could you elaborate?


                    What are you using the SSL to do? Why do you want it on your site? What is it to achieve or do for you?

                    If it is being used to take payment information securely, then you are 10 months out of date, because of new rules that came into place in April last year called "PCI-DSS Compliance". If you don't know what that is and you are currently using SSL to take payment information, then search the web or this forum on that phrase for more information on what you need to do. In short, bin SSL and get a PSP.



                      untick ssl in your buisiness settings, then change your network settings to the other hosting area then switch to test mode.


                        Originally posted by leehack View Post
                        What are you using the SSL to do? Why do you want it on your site? What is it to achieve or do for you?

                        If it is being used to take payment information securely, then you are 10 months out of date, because of new rules that came into place in April last year called "PCI-DSS Compliance". If you don't know what that is and you are currently using SSL to take payment information, then search the web or this forum on that phrase for more information on what you need to do. In short, bin SSL and get a PSP.
                        I think a light's starting to come you mean that as we use a PSP (Protx) we don't need to use SSL at all on the site...?


                        Not using SSL would mean that the customer details entry screen wasn't secure...


                          Originally posted by Darren B View Post

                          untick ssl in your buisiness settings, then change your network settings to the other hosting area then switch to test mode.
                          Thanks Darren!


                            There are a few causes of the 'cart expired error'. The wrong server time is one, but this is pretty rare and easily checked.

                            Other things that might cause this include:

                            1. The PC being set to the wrong time zone.

                            - This looks too common to be the case here. Unless it's the same customer trying lots of times.

                            2. Checkout links problems. Hardcoded checkout links carried over from earlier versions of Actinic have caused problems in V7. I can't see this problem here but it's worth checking yourself.

                            3. Domain problems.

                            a) the wrong settings (minus www.) in network setup. Doesn't look like the case here.

                            b) SSL bouncing to the wrong domain. Typically without www. or where someone tries to use a single certificate on multiple domains.

                            c) Mixing www. and non-www. urls. Although the network setup is all www. you may have external links to the non-www. url and this operates as a separate domain with cookie problems. I can see that you haven't already forwarded all non-www. urls to the www. equivalent and would suggest you do this now. This might be the cause of your problem although I haven't been able to recreate it.

                            This thread explains how to do the redirect.


                            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                              that summary ought to be made a sticky or, at the very least, put into the KB!


                                Originally posted by tintin99 View Post
                                I think a light's starting to come you mean that as we use a PSP (Protx) we don't need to use SSL at all on the site...?


                                Not using SSL would mean that the customer details entry screen wasn't secure...
                                True and True

                                the 2nd statement has always been a point for discussion, most people who have run sites with PSP and then experimented with SSL additionally have tended to report very little difference in converted sales.

                                Thus its really up to you. Some sites still run with PSP and SSL in order to secure customer login.

                                IMO PSP and shared SSL is a waste of effort.

